6. Confusion and Misunderstanding

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-Hoseoks POV-

I offered to take Yoongi with me for the day and show him around some more. Hes honestly pretty fun to be around. He has his habits but he is trying to learn. "Jung Hoseok? What is that?" I turned to see he was fixated on the carnival across the street. "Its a carnival. Its when people go to have fun. Theres games and those big things are called 'rides' for you to go on." I explained watching him nod his head. "We had festivals during the springtime. I wonder if this carnival event is the same thing. There was games and dances in our festival." He said turning back to look at the rides. "Does Park Jimin like the carnival?" I chuckled alittle bit giving him a nod. I wonder if hes aware of the way he is with Jimin. I have no objections to him, I just find it cute. I led him to a restaurant to get us lunch.

I handed him the menu and thankfully hes familiar with how a menu works. Hes mastered ordering food for himself. "Hyung? Can I ask you something?" I said once we placed our orders. He nodded sitting up alittle. "Do you like Jimin? Romantically I mean." He seemed surprised at the question but stayed quiet. Then he smiled widely before looking back at me. "Park Jimin is very easy to like. Hes kind and he is very handsome. I dont know if I do feel that way. But I do enjoy the way I feel when Im with him." I nodded taking in his honest response. "I care about Jimin, hes my friend. So if you hurt him in anyway, Ill make sure you regret it." I warned earning a nod from him. "I will never harm Park Jimin. He deserves to be happy." He said shortly before our food was brought out to us. We ate our food as he asked questions.

I took him through the carnival since he was curious. Its really interesting watching him soak everything up. "Jung Hoseok? Thank you for always being kind to me. Im glad to have you and Jeon Jungkook as my friends." Yoongi said once we got back home. I gave him a smile before Jungkook came downstairs. "Hey cutie." Jungkook said pressing a kiss to my cheeks. I giggled at that pulling him in for a hug. "Hey Hyung." He said earning a little bow from Yoongi. I took Jungkooks hand leading him up to our room. "I want to cuddle." Jungkook said as hd plopped onto the bed. I changed into my sweatpants before climbing in beside him. "What are you doing?" I said quietly as Jungkook began tracing circles against my chest. "Admiring art." I shook my head at that before kissing his forehead. I pulled him closer connecting our lips together.

-Jimins POV-

I woke up feeling someone shake me alittle bit. I turned to see Yoongi sitting there. "Hyung? Are you okay?" I mumbled sitting up rubbing my eyes. He nodded smiling at me. "Does Park Jimin want to go to the carnival with me? Just the two of us." He said shyly causing me to giggle. "Are you asking me out on a date?" I said watching him shrug alittle bit. Taehyung has been teaching him things and it shows. "Id love to go to the carnival Hyung. Let me get dressed." He nodded moving so I can stand up. He really is adorable when hes trying new things. Hes very inexperienced with things like this. He said he doesnt know how to flirt. I picked out a decent outfit before going to the livingroom. "Im ready Hyung." I called out causing him to turn around. I took in his appearance and thought he looked really nice. "Too much?" He said looking down at his outfit. I shook my head reassuring him that he looked good.

The carnival wasnt too far so we just walked there. Yoongi was obviously loving how colorful the lights were. He told me that it all reminded him of home. "Park Jimin? What are those fuzzy things? People are eating them. Is it safe?" I giggled watching him look at the cotton candy with a frighten expression. I walked over to the cart ordering two for us. "Its candy. Here, just pull a piece off and eat it." He nodded reaching out slowly and placing it in his mouth. "Its so strange. You have odd food here. But I quite like the taste." He said before taking another bite. I suggested we ride the ferris wheel first. "The view is splendid up here. Look at all the lights." I turned looking in the direction he was staring in. It was quiet, just the sounds of music playing. Yoongi seemed so calm and happy. Once the ride was over I told him to choose a ride.

He turned in circles before grabbing my hand and pulling me. I happily followed his lead and saw what he was probably looking at. It was the Castle of Fun. We showed our tickets to the worker before stepping inside. "Hyung come look." He stood beside me looking at the mirror. It made us look tall and skinny. I giggled watching him do a double take on his appearance. "The mirrors are built to show you different versions of yourself. Small and chubby or tall like this one." I explained watching him laugh. We made our way through the rest of the house enjoying the randomness. It was really nice seeing Yoongi enjoy himself. "Park Jimin? May I ask you a question?" Yoongi said as we sat down to eat a snack. I nodded handing him his soda.

-Yoongis POV-

I tooka sip of my soda before turning to face him alittle. Its funny how much I dont know about things in general. Ive never thought I would be experiencing this kind of life. Experiencing these feelings I have. "How do you know when you like someone? In a romantic way? How does it feel?" I said quietly watching his expression shift abit. I thought I made him uncomfortable but he smiled. "Its different for everyone. But its like a warm and fuzzy kind of feeling. Being with them makes you feel happy and you feel drawn to them. Someone that makes you feel like you are the only thing that matters. Its a nice feeling, especially when the feelings are mutual." I nodded taking it in and thinking about myself. How do I feel? What is it that I feel when Im with Park Jimin? Is it a romantic feeling? Why do I think about him alot?

After spending a few hours at the carnival we made our way back home. I still felt conflicted with my thoughts and feelings. I know I enjoy being around him but I dont want to make things complicated. I dont wish him to feel uncomfortable by me. "You are awfully quiet. Is something wrong?" Jimin said as we turned the corner near our house. "Did Park Jimin have fun tonight?" I said stopping to turn to face him causing him to smile. He truly had a beautiful smile, I like to see it. "I had alot of fun. Honestly been so long since Ive gone on a proper date. And actually enjoyed myself. Thank you for that Hyung." He said taking my hand in his. I stood still watching him close the gap. I bent down alittle as he moved in and placed a kiss to my cheek. He pulled away and silently pulled me along towards our house.

I helped remove his jacket once he got inside. "I really enjoyed my first date. Thank you for accepting it." I said watching him sit down on the stairs. I approached him taking notice of his expression. "Is Park Jimin upset? Have I done something wrong?" I asked kneeling in front of him causing him to shake his head. "Just thinking. I really had fun tonight." He said with a smile before walking up to his room. I locked the door before heading to my own for the night. I changed into my sweats when I heard a knock on my door. "Park Jimin?" I said seeing it was him before he pulled me. I was shocked by the sudden action and closeness. He pressed his lips against mine taking me by surprise. "Wait please. Stop." I said pushing him away slightly. He stood there quietly before taking off with an apology. What was that?


Sorry for the LONG wait...Ill make it up to you guys!

I hope you like it💛

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