11. Blissful

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-Yoongis POV-

I woke up feeling a weight against my chest and I opened my eyes to see Jimin. He was awake playing a game on his phone. I reached up poking his nose. I smiled hearing him giggle. "Good morning sleepyhead." He said scooting up to kiss my cheek. Sometimes Im amazed at how beautiful he is. Its breathtaking having to wake to this everyday. "Did you sleep well my sweets?" I asked brushing his hair back watching him smile. He nodded leaning into my touch. We laid in bed for abit longer before getting ready for work. "You ready?" He nodded leaning in to kiss my cheek. I led the way out to our car and we drove in silence. I smiled watching as his hand made its way to my side. "Hyung~." He whined as I playfully moved my hand away. I laced our fingers together giving the back of his hand a kiss.

The day passed by rather quickly since it was a short day for us. There was a decent amount of people that came in today. Mainly elderly couples. It was fascinating watching those couples. The love they share, it was beautiful to watch. It makes me wonder, how much I would love to grow old with Jimin. We havent been together for long but I know how I feel with him. He understands me completely, hes patient when Im learning new things. He makes me feel warm inside. His smile can cure any bad thoughts or feelings I have. I want to stay by his side. I want to make him feel happy, cherish him the way he deserves. "Hello in there." I heard his voice say asI felt his arms wrap around me. I turned my head giving his cheek a kiss. "Lets go home." He said grabbing my hand and I gladly followed.

I went to take a nice shower beforefinding something to do. Ive gotten into painting lately and Im loving the calmness about it. Plus Jimin comes and sits with me wherever I set up. "Oh are you painting Hyung?" Jimin said walking into the room. I nodded watching him pout alittle. "You can sleep sweets. Ill paint here." I said walking over to peck his lips. He smiled leaning in to connect our lips together. Once he was settled I got my things set up. I glanced over to see he had his eyes closed already. As I looked at him I found my inspiration for the piece. I went to work painting the beauty that lies before me. I cant wait to see his reaction. This will be the first time I painted a person. I glanced over to see he now had his adorable pout and I had to fight the urge to kiss him. Hes even adorable in his sleep.

I finally finished my piece after adding a few finishing touches. I turned it so Jimin could see it when he woke up. I went to clean myself up before climbing into bed with him. I find the little things we do together to be the most enjoyable. "Hm that tickles." I heard Jimin mumble as I peppered kisses against his neck. He turned moving to face me and I smiled watching him. "You finished your piece for today?" He mumbled as he snuggled closer to me. I nodded leaning down to kiss the top of his head. "I think you will like this one." I said closing my eyes hearing him chuckle. "I love all your paintings." I blushed hearing him speak so softly. He moved to sit up and I watch as he looked over at the painting. He didnt say anything but I saw a blush grow on his cheeks. I sat up resting my chin on his shoulder.

-Jimins POV-

I felt very special seeing what he painted when I was asleep. It was me sleeping. Thats what he painted. I got closer to see he wrote something on it too. "Park Jimin is the King of my heart." I blushed feeling so many emotions at once. I turned walking back over to him. It was such a beautiful painting and Im in love with it. He is so talented. "I knew I would love it." I said cupping his cheeks watching him smile. I leaned in pressing a kiss to his forehead. I lightly pressed him to lay back and crawled in next to him. "Im glad you love it. The light was hitting you perfectly." He said brushing my hair back. I closed my eyes snuggling closer to him. I just enjoy days like this. Just being together, cuddling all day. I got up to order something for us to eat for dinner.

We made our way downstairs to set up for us to eat with the two when they get home. Yoongi brought in our food delivery as I finished cleaning up. "Hyungs? Im home. Hobi had to stay back for another hour or two." I heard Jungkook call out before I heard him walk into the dining room. I set his food out and ate with him. "Are you up for a walk?" Yoongi said once Jungkook went upstairs. He sure likes going walks around parks. "Mm the weather is nice tonight. We should grab a coat though." I said leaning in to kiss his cheek. He laced our fingers together as he led the way down the street. He didnt have a set place to go to which is fine with me. Anywhere is perfect as long as we are together. Plus he likes doing this so Im happy to do it with him.

We made our way to the nearby park as we just talked. He was telling ne about this thing he ordered on Amazon. Its kind of a blessing and a curse that he was imtroduced to Amazon. At least he buys things he actually uses. "Oh theres this thing I wanted to get but turns out you need a yard for it. I cant remember the name but its this blanket thing. You can tie it to trees and sit on the blanket." I giggled hearing him describe a hammock to me. Hes still learning new things and it is the most adorable thing to listen to. "One day, we can move to a house. And Ill buy you that hammock. And the portable water bucket. Which by the way is called a 'jacuzzi' Hyung." I said watching him blush alittle. I also love his way of explaining things to me. Its quite inventive but when I get it, its adorable.

I sat down on one of the swings once we reached the playground area. Thats when I noticed Yoongi seemed fidgety. "Hey? Whats wrong Suga?" I said softly cupping his cheeks. He loked up at me smiling alittle bit as he moved his face close to mine. "Can I show you something else that I bought?" He said after awhile and I nodded taking a seat again on the swing. He knelt down and I felt my heart beat so fast. Is he really about to do this? We havent even said 'I love you' to each other yet. I mean I know I do love him, I just wanted to say it properly. "Ive never felt this way before. Ive never felt so cared for by another man before. I watched so many elderly couples today and I want that. I want to grow old together Park Jimin." He said softly as he pulled a box out from his pocket and opened it up. "I love you Park Jimin. Will you be mine forever?" He said with an adorable smile that Ive grown to love.

It was romantic and cute the way he asked me. It was very Yoongi of him. "I love you too Min Yoongi. And yes, Im yours forever." I said holding my hand out for him as he slipped the ring onto my finger. He cupped my cheeks pulling me in for a kiss. I felt so happy with how much I love this man. "I love you." We repeated it over and over again as we kissed. We made it back home again as we continued to kiss. I watched fondly as he unbuttoned my jacket and pants. I had an idea where this was going so I let him set the pace. This is his first time so I want him to feel comfortanle. He is extremely endearing and sweet. He took this slow and made sure to ask me if I was okay. It was intimate, romantic and adorable all at once. We made love for the first and I couldnt explain how much I love him more now. Hes such a kind hearted person even when making love.

I reachrd over to grab a wet wipe as he pulled out gently. I was about to wipe myself up when he took the wipe. "Let me sweets." He said quietly as he kissed my cheek. How can one be so soft and gentle? He is a fascinating person and Im lucky hes mine. "You okay my love?" I asked brushing his hair back. He smiled resting beside me pulling me close. "Yes my love. Thank you for being patient with me." He said softly as he closed his eyes. I giggled alittle turning to face him. "You are perfect Hyung. No need to feel rushed, slow is perfect too." I said tracing my fingers against his chest. He smiled at that kissing my forehead. "I wish my parents couldve met you. They would love you." He said with a sad smile that broke my heart alittle. "They sounded amazing. I wish I couldve met them too." I said vrushing his hair back. I know he misses them, he still struggles with that. I just hope to help him through it. That is what marriage is about, supporting each other.


Sorry for the long waits you guys.

My mental health isnt the greatest right now and work is extremely stressful now.

I hope this update is good and you enjoy it.

Thank you for being so patient with me. 💜

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