12. Together is Better

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-Jimins POV-

I was busy tidying up our livingroom as Yoongi finished our laundry. We have some time off and I booked a trip for us to take next week. I found this resort place to go skiing since he saw a video and wanted to try it. Once we finished I pulled Yoongi down on the couch. He chuckled alittle bit before peppering my face with kisses. "You two seem extra cuddly today." Jungkook said appearing suddenly on the couch beside us. It still amazes me that he can do that. "Well we should tell you. Guess what happened yesterday?" I said holding my hand up for Jungkook to see. He looked for a second before screaming. "Oh my Hyung. Congratulations you two." He said moving close to look at the ring. He asked Yoongi alot of questions and I couldnt help but smile. "Thats how you asked him?" Jungkook said causing me to smile. I looked over to see Yoongi looked confused.

Jungkook explained what he meant and I watched Yoongis expression shift. "Did I do it wrong then?" He asked causing me to coo at his adorableness. "You asked beautifully Hyung." I said leaning forward pecking his lips. He blushed leaning to kiss my cheek. "So you didnt misunderstand me then? I want to be your Husband." I giggled moving closer to him. Jungkook faked gagged leaving us alone. "I understood you Hyung. I will always be yours." I said softly watching him smile. He is the most endearing person Ive met. He has a big heart and I love him so much for that. "I love you Jimin." He said quietly as he rested his forehead against mine. "I love you too." I smiled moving to kiss his nose causing him to scrunch it up. I brushed his hair back kissing his cheek.

I decided to go and get some grocery shopping done. Yoongi wasnt in the mood to leave so I went alone. He wanted to get some painting done. I got back home and made my way up the stairs. "Park Jimin!? Im angry!" I stopped hearing Hoseoks voice suddenly. I could hear multiple voices and some laughing. "Park Jimin." He said once I came into the kitchen. I barely had time to say anything when I was wacked on the head. "Why am I last to know you are engaged!?" He whined causing me to laugh alittle. I locked eyes with Yoongi who was sitting there with Taehyung. "Sorry Hyung. Want to see the ring?" I said causing him to nod his head. It was such a beautiful ring, it fits me so well. Elegant but very simple.

-Yoongis POV-

I looked over to see Jimin walking into the livingroom. He smiled down at me as he came out. "Thats pretty." I blushed at the compliment looking up at him. I tugged his shirt pulling him down to press a kiss to his lips. "Did you paint alot back home?" He asked as he settled on my lap. I nodded smiling at the memories. "Mainly as a child though. My Mother use to paint the pots we kept around the garden." He smiled running his fingers through my hair. Times like this, I miss my long hair. "So, what are you painting?" He asked moving to sit beside me. I reached over turning the stand to him alittle. "The garden outside the throne room." He smiled leaning his head against my shoulder. We spent the time together in silence and I love how calm it was. We dont need much to have fun together.

I cleaned my things up before going to take a shower. I was setting my things up when the door open. "You okay?" I said noticing Jimin was holding his clothes and a towel. "I didnt realize we are showering now." He said with that cheeky smile I grew to love. I chuckled walking over to him. "Hm, you have to shower with me now? Is that how you want it?" I asked lifting his shirt up and removing it for him. "Please." He said pressing a kiss to my nose. I found no reason to object to this and happily undressed him. "Let me." I said grabbing the shampoo bottle from him. It was intimate, nothing dirty about it. Just us together being this close. I held him by his waist as I connected our lips together bringing him closer.

We continued our kiss before deciding to finish our shower. The water was starting to get cold and soap got in our mouths. "I love you sweets." I said once we were settled in bed. He giggled moving up to look at me. "I love you suga." He said softly as he pressed a kiss to my cheek. He sat up grabbing his laptop out. "Im looking up venues for our wedding. We should start planning it." I nodded moving to get a closer look. I feel so lucky to have someone so beautiful to marry. Beautiful inside and out. "Do you want children?" I asked brushing my fingers through his hair. We have spoken about our future together but we never discussed children. He looked over at me putting his laptop away. "I love kids. Ive always wanted my own. Is that something you want for us?" I smiled lacing our fingers together.

I knew there was still so much I had to learn still. But with Jimin by my side I am confident. I know what I want. "Yes, I want kids with you. I want to raise a family with you." We spoke about kids and the amount we wanted. Jimin is the type to be such a playful Father but very strict too. I can definitely see him being an amazing Father to our future children. "Adopt? What does it mean sweets?" I asked confused by the amount of terminalogy. Jimin just giggled giving my nose a kiss. "Well sweetheart. We are both men, thats how gay men have children. We do 'adoption' for a child. Those children either were put there by their birth parents or they dont have them. We adopt to give those kids a family." He explained causing me to cry hearing this. Such a sad and cruel world. How can you leave a child like that? I can understand the parents that die but the others?

Jimin comforted me by explaining that some people dont have a choice. Some do it for the wellbeing of the child. "Suga, dont cry. We will get married and give some children a proper home. Where they will be loved." I nodded wiping my tears giving him a smile. I glanced down at his stomach reaching over to it. He squealed at the sudden touch causing me to chuckle. "You remember when I told you about male pregnancy back in my time?" I asked adjusting his shirt down again. He nodding moving to stand up. "You cant carry a child?" I asked moving to sit up watching him go into the closet. "Uh no. I dont believe so, I mean Ive never thought to ask." I didnt ask anything more and stood up. I walked over pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Was I being intrusive?" I asked worrying if I crossed a line with that question.

He turned to me tilting his head abit giving me a look of confusion. "We are getting married Hyung. Nothing is too intrusive." He said pressing a kiss to my cheek. I chuckled cupping his cheeks. "I still will respect you as my Husband. If I offend you, I want to know. So I can make things right." I pointed out giving his cheek a kiss. I dont know if Im too much at times. But I want to know that he knows how much I value him. How much respect I have for him. We made our way down to find something to make. It was fairly late at night so we tried to be quiet. "Are you happy love?" Jimin whispered as we stood out on the patio. I looked down at him taking in the beauty. "Very. I met an angel and somehow he agreed to marry me." I said honestly as he turned to face me.  I was about to ask him the same question when he pulled me in for a kiss. I am so happy with my life and I owe it all to him.


Hi🙍‍♀️ i finally updated.....

I wont bother giving an explanation because it seems to happen alot that i disappear... im really sorry and Im trying to be better!

Thank you for always being patient with me❤️

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