3. Freedom

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-Yoongis POV-

I sat in the back not knowing what to do now. My people have suffered due to my falling down the well. There was a siege that claimed my parents lives. All the people I love died. Because of me. If only I moved quicker, if only we didnt chose that path. "Hyung? Its lunch time. Lets go?" Park Jimin said breaking the silence. I nodded grabbing my coat he gave me. I followed behind him as he led the way down the path. "Im sorry Hyung. I hope you know it isnt your fault." Park Jimin said as he took my hand in his. I smiled sadly looking at our hands. "I just wanted to protect my Mother. She started to fall but I pulled her out. I just wanted to keep her safe. But I failed them. I am to blame Park Jimin." He stopped walking turning to pull me in for a hug. I just feel drained knowing what happened to my family. If I was still there, none of this would have happened. I feel responsible for the death of my family.

After finishing our meal we came back to Park Jimins work. Everything is still foreign to me, so many new things to learn. Like using a fork and spoon was interesting. Im just glad Park Jimin and his friends are kind to me. They are teaching me everything about this era. I mafe myself comfortable on the couch as Park Jimjn returned to work. It was fairly quiet but that didnt last long. I could hear shouting. I stood hearing Park Jimins voice. I came out in time to see the man he was involved with slap him. I marched forward yanking him to face me. I swung my fist hitting him in the nose. "You bitch!" The man shouted as I turned to help Park Jimin up. "Yah! Get the hell out of here. You have no reason to be here. Now leave before I call the cops on you." Kim Taehyung said standing in front of us. I held onto him as he stood behind me to protect him. I turned to inspect him once the man left us finally.

Its been awhile since the incident occured earlier. Its been quiet so far with little to no people coming in. "Are you hurt Park Jimin?" I asked tapping on his knee to gain his attention. Hes been quiet working on what he called a 'laptop' even though its not on his lap. Makes no sense to me but everything is confusing. "Im okay now Hyung. It was just a slap." He said with a little smile. I felt sad that even happened to him, hes such a kind person. I reached over grabbing his hand to inspect it. "It doesnt hurt Hyung." I heard him say softly as he gently squeezed mh hand. "A real man doesnt hit the ones he is suppose to love. Even in a disagreement. Park Jimin deserves to be loved." I said rewrapping the scratch he got from the fall. I looked up to see he was already looking at me. "Uh I hate to break the thirdwheeling tension here. But Im clocking out." Kim Taehyung saidcausing to move back away from Park Jimin. I didnt realize how close we were to each other.

-Jimins POV-

I stood telling Taehyung that I will walk him out. I couldnt help but blush at the fact that Yoongi was being extremely sweet earlier. But Taehyung had to cut in breaking the moment. "All jokes aside. Are you sure you are okay? Y'know with everything. Can I help in any way?" Taehyung said once we arrived at his car. My friends have always been there to take care of me. "You have done enough Tae. Thank you for stepping in." I said pulling him in for a hug. We talked for a bit before I went in to close the place down for the night. "Are we leaving now Park Jimin?" Yoongi said as I started turning off the main lights. I nodded grabbing my bag and began to shut the computers down for the night. It was nice out tonight, it wasnt too cold. I smiled thinking of the perfect place to go to watch the sunset. "Lets go for a drive." I said leading him to my car earning a simple nod.

Its been awhile since I came to this place, I remember coming alot when I was a teenager. It wasnt a place that was too far from my house. It was a little meadow area near a tiny hill and pond. "I use to come watch the sunset and sunrise here. My Mother brought my brother and I here. She loved nature." I said smiling sadly at the little bed of roses. I sat down gesturing for Yoongi to do the same. "Where is she now?" Yoongi asked breaking the silence. I looked at him to see he was watching the sky. The sky always looked beautiful here. "She died two years ago. She got really sick and was bed ridden for the last year of her life." I said quietly looking out as the sun began to set. It wasnt long before I felt him hold my hand. The silence took over as we watched the sun go down."Im sorry you lost her. Im sure shes happy where she is." Yoongi said sweetly causing me to look over at him. I smiled feeling both grateful for him and happy to have his company here.

I closed my eyes feeling my emotions take over. Its beens too long since I came here. I just miss my Mother so much and wish I could talk to her again. She wouldve known what to say to help me through this. We stayed there for awhile longer before deciding to go home. "I wanted to thank you for today. For stepping in to protect me. Also thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder." I said once we made into the house. I heard him hum as I switched the light on. I smiled placing my hands on his shoulders and placing a kiss to his cheek. "Im glad you are feeling better. Thank you for taking me to your special place." He said quietly as I took a step back from him. I was about to say something when I heard a door opened. "Park Jimin! Do you have any idea how worried I was. I heard that asshole paid you a visit and you didnt come home at the normal time. Kook and I called you multiple times. I thought he did something to you guys." A very worried Hoseok yelled as he came down the stairs.

I know my friends tend to worry about me alot and Im grateful to them. They are always there when I need them. Or when I think I dont. "Im sorry I worried you. I just wanted to go watch the sunset. I shouldve called." I said watching his expression soften. He pulled me in for a hug as I heard Jungkook make his way down. "I heard you punched him. Im glad at least one of us got to hit him. He had it coming, thanks for being there." Jungkook said causing Hoseok to laugh. I smiled recalling the punch and found it so funny how winded Jae was afterwards. I guess Yoongi has a strong swing. The two decided to go back up to bed as I went to get a drink first. I felt relief from my hectic 'love' life. I felt free, free to focus on me. But also free to find the love I have been craving. To find my soulmate who will love and care for me. Someone to love completely.


💜Im sorry for the long wait.

But I hope you enjoy this update❤💜

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