8. Step Close to Happiness

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-Yoongis POV-

I was planning to meet with Kim Taehyung today to discuss my date with Jimin. I looked over to see Jimin was talking to a couple. Its been a busy week here at work with this festival coming up. I watched as the three started to laugh and I couldnt help but smile. Hes very pretty when hes happy. Im very excited for what we have planned for tonight. Kim Taehyung helped me set a reservation at this really nice restaurant. I really hope he likes it. "Hi there. Can you help me?" I looked up again to see Jimin came into the desk area holding a stack of papers. I gladly took some to help him set them down. "Its almost lunch time and Im starved. Our cover should be here soon then we can head out." He said reaching out to give my hand a squeeze. I smiled pulling the chair out for him to sit. Ive learned alot during my time here. Im glad to have some more confidence now.

Its challenging at times but I get through it alright. Plus I have my friends and Jimin to help me. "Jimin? After work Im going to hang out with Kim Taehyung for a bit before our date. Its still okay for us to meet at the restaurant, right?" He looked up from his food nodding alittle. Kim Taehyung wants to give me a makeover and Im alittle excited. Hes been very helpful in playing 'cupid', whatever that means. "Im looking forward to our date. I bought a new outfit for tonight." He said reaching over to grab my hand. I gave his hand a squeeze before someone came to the desk. We finished sorting the papers out before we finally left for lunch. We were meeting up with our friends back at the house to eat together. I opened the door hearing laughter and turned back to see Jimin. I led the way in as our friends greeted us.

**Time skip**

I sat down at his mirror as he tried to convince me again. I ran my hand through my hair feeling weird about it. "Its just an idea Hyung. I think it will great but its your hair." I nodded turning to the mirror again. Jimin does like braiding my hair but Im willing to try new things. "Will he like it?" I said grabbing the scissors. I looked up to Kim Taehyung giving him the okay. I closed my eyes listening to the sound of my hair being cut. It wasnt long before Kim Taehyung began to dye my hair. I was happy to see the results and the way I look with short hair. Its been years since I had short hair. "Okay rinse time. Then once its dried and styled, you may look. Im excited for his reaction to the way you look." Kim Taehyung said motioning for me to follow. I finished getting my outfit on and finally got to see my new look. I honestly felt like I look so different now. I really hope he will like it.

-Jimins POV-

I finished fixing my hair before taking one last look at my outfit. I felt weird trying to look my best for tonight. Its like first date jitters. Knowing how he feels about me changes things, it changes the way this date will go. We both have feelings for each other and I cant stop smiling about it. His confession was very him and thats what makes it cute. Hes very respectful and has a waywith words. But mainly hes unsure of how to express himself in the way I will understand. "So, any idea where hes taking you?" Jungkook said as I came into the livingroom. I smiled nodding my head and showing him the place. "I knew you two would happen. Im happy its him. You deserve a man with class and I know he will take care of you." Hoseok said taking me by surprise by his sudden appearance. I smiled thinking about the idea of us dating. Being Yoongis sounds amazing. I grabbed my keys and made my way to the restaurant.

I took a look around to see if I could spot Yoongi. I stood in front of the restaurant waiting for him. I turned hearing the familiar deep voice causing me to turn. I was definitely not expecting this. He looked unnecessarily hot. Like I dont even know what to do with myself. "You look beautiful Jimin." He said with the smile I grew to love seeing. I blushed fumbling over my words before thanking him. "Do you like it?" He said running his hand through his newly cut hair. I gulped taking in the sight of him, black hair and leather pants. Fucking Taehyung knows my weaknesses, for sure this is his doing. "You look handsome Hyung. It suits you really well. I love it." I said reaching out to hold his hand. He blushed leading the way in and told them we were here.

 He blushed leading the way in and told them we were here

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This is what he looks like now😫😍)

I smiled as Yoongi pulled a chair out for me to sit in. A true gentleman, one of his many endearing qualities. "Honestly, Im going to miss braiding your hair. How does it feel having your hair this short?" I asked once we ordered our food. He shrugged reaching over for my hand. "It took a minute. But I actually like it. Feels like Im from this era now. Plus your reaction makes me like my new look even more." He said cheekily causing my to blush. I playfully hit his chest as he laughed. We talked about different things as we ate our dinner. We were having such a great time and we decided to go for a walk together. "Oh my. Arent you handsome?" Some girl said getting really close to Yoongi and very touchy. He flinched alittle moving her hand away. "Are you blind? Im clearly holding my mans waist here. So go away from us." I tried to hide my blush and giggle as he tightened his hold around me.

We watched the slut stomp away to her friends who seemed embarassed. But my mind was occupied by something else. He reffered to me as 'his man' and it is doing things to my heart. "You are quite the savage for someone who is extremely kind." I said once we reached a park bench. He chuckled alittle before lacing our fingers together. "Well, may I officially call you mine? My boyfriend?" He said softly as he gave me a smile. "Yes, Im all yours." I said leaning in to kiss his cheek. I started to pull away when he stopped me. He cupped my cheeks and gently guided my face back to his. "May I?" He said quietly causing me to giggle. Such a gentleman. "Yes please." I leaned in capturing his lips with mine. I smiled feeling him try to mimic my movements. He really worried for nothing, hes a natural. I smiled feeling how relax he became with the kiss and let him set the pace.

We pulled apart allowing silence to takeover, only the sounds of our breathing to be heard. "Is it weird to ask if it was good for you?" He said shyly causing me to laugh. Only because its him, Ill let it be. "Normally yes. But I enjoyed it Hyung. You are a great kisser." He blushed moving to peck my lips. I leaned my head against his shoulder and we watched the sunset. It was the perfect end to a perfect date. "I dont know if I told you this but I was stunned by your beauty. The first say we met. I thought you were an angel or some royal person." He said softly as he pulled me in for a hug. I looked up at him seeing he was already looking at me. "I thought the same about you." I said watching him smile. I leaned in connecting our lips together. It felt surreal, its really possible to feel happy again. Im happy withthe person I am now. With Yoongi, I feel happy.



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