4. Something There

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-Jimins POV-

Its been very amusing in the best way possible watching Yoongi. I had taught him how to be an employee since he comes to work with me. But I definitely didnt think I needed to show him how to flirt. Or more accurately, know hes being flirted with. "We have been getting alot of crowds of horny girls and some dudes. People are more interested in seeing the new receptionist." Taehyung said once he came knto the back office. I chuckled at that thinking back on the painfully obvious flirting I had to watch. But Yoongi is too oblivious to it. "Park Jimin? This man is asking for you?" I nodded putting the pile of papers down. I came out to see it was my brother. "Hyunnie!" I ssaid pulling him in for a hug. I dont see him as much since he started school. "How are you? You look like your doing well." He said once I guided him to the break room. I gave him some of my food as I gave him an update.

He told me about his classes and the new friends he made. Even told me about this girl he likes. "Im so happy you broke up with that loser. You deserve so much better. You spend too much time taking care of others. Its about time you get someone that will take care of you Hyung." He said after I told him about the break up. He was very satified with knowing Jae was punched. "So, that guy is new. Is he single?" He said as we made our way to the front desk. "I dont know. Honestly Im not sure if hes into guys." I said trying to avoid eye contact as I went past Yoongi. Jihyun had set his laptop up to do school work as I continued my shift. I took out the stack of flyers to organize them at the desk. "Park Jimin? Do you need assistance?" Yoongi said walking over to where I was sitting. I looked over to see Taehyung came to relieve him. "Go take a break for abit. Then you can help me." I said before resuming what I was doing.

-Yoongis POV-

I stood there not understanding what he meant. I waited for him to be less busy to ask what he wanted me to do. "Are you okay Hyung?" Park Jimin said taking me from my thoughts. "Oh yes. How do I 'take a break' Park Jimin? What do I do?" I asked causing him to smile alittle. I always feel embarassed asking him so many questions. But at least hes nice about it. "Its something working people do. They spend at least 30 minutes doing nothing. You can eat something or take a short nap. It just means its time to relax for abit. Does that make sense?" I nodded processing the new information. I went to sit in the back room where Kim Taehyung was. He looked busy so I tried to be quiet. I grabbed my book out to put down the new term I learned just now. Its interesting all the words they have now. I never imagined I would be living this way.

I checked the time to see I was back here long enough. Kim Taehyung gave me a new assignment to do so I got to it. I like doing this job thing. Its kind of nice feeling like Im helping out. "You doing okay Hyung?" Kim Taehyung said as he stood beside my chair. I nodded looking over my 'cheat sheet' he made me. "Okay just hit the print button and make 30 copies when you are done. I made another cheat sheet to show you how to print stuff." I nodded taking the papef and placing it in front of me. I feel really good that I am able to be helpful here. Though I still long to be back in my time. Back when everything was right. With my parents by my side. I still feel saddened knowing they are dead. I wish things went differently. But Im here now, in a whole new world. I mean its not so bad, once I understand whats going on.

After work we made our way back home as Taehyung tagged along. Park Jimin said we dont have to go into work tomorrow, which is nice. I gathered my stuff to go take a shower. Im glad the showers work the same here. Just twist some knobs and the water goes on. I pulled the rubberband out and felt my head begin to relax. My hair is so long that it gets in the way. Park Jimin braids it some times to help me out. I finished my shower and felt refreshed. I came out to place my clothes away. "Can I braid your hair?" Park Jimin asked once I finished drying it. I nodded moving to sit down on the bed. He sat behind me brushing my brush. I closed my eyes enjoying the way it felt. It reminds me of my Mother, she loved to brush my hair before bed. Park Jimin is gentle just like her.

I felt myself begin to cry as I felt arms wrap around me. I leaned into his touch as he hugged me. "Whats wrong Hyung?" He said softly as he wiped my tears away. "Just thinking about my Mother. Im okay Park Jimin." I said giving him a smile causing him to smile back. He let go continuing to braid my hair. "I really like your hair. Its really pretty." He said after awhile as he finished. I turned pulling my hair forward. "Park Jimin has pretty hair. Matches your face well." I said watching his cheeks grow alittle pink. I followed him out where his friends were. "Hey Hyung. Have you tried pizza yet? The triangle looking food?" Jeon Jungkook said as he sat beside me. I shook my head looking at the photo he had. "Ah well its delicious. We ordered a few different kinds so try it out see how you like it." I nodded to Jung Hoseok who brought some boxes in.

I watched as Km Taehyung made me a slice he called 'meat lover' pizza. I happily took a bite of it and it really was delicious. I gave a thumbs up to Park Jimin who was watching me. I found that I really do like pizza and soda. Ive discovered I really like drinking Coke soda. We spent the night watching movies together and I liked it. My new friends have always made me feel welcomed. "Do you mind if we cuddle here Hyung?" Park Jimin said quietly as he turned the movie off. I nodded moving to let him lay on the inside. He put on some music before getting situated. The others were already fast asleep, so it was just us awake. It was quiet but Park Jimin seemed bothered by something. "Are you alright?" He nodded but still seemed fidgety. Thats when I remembered something Kim Taehyung said.

I scooted closer wrapping my arm around his waist. He yelped alittle causing me to jump. "Kim Taehyung said you get nightmares when we watch scary things. But Im right here." I said watching him nod his head. "Would it be weird if I face you?" He said softly as he traced circles into my hand. I motioned him to do it and we settled into a comfy positions. "Good night Park Jimin." I said softly as he closed his eyes. I ran my fingers through his hair trying to soothe him to sleep. I felt something unfamiliar to me. I never felt this kind of warmth. I mean Ive never cuddled another man before. But its nice, I like this feeling. I pulled the blanket up closing my eyes. I allowed the warmth and music to lull me to sleep.



Dont worry Jin and Namjoon will be in the story soon! 💛

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