13. Friction

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-Yoongis POV-

Its been an eventful month for us as we started to plan our wedding. Jimins been very energetic and its very fun seeing him like this. "Oh Hyung look!" He said pulling me to see another waterfall. We have been visiting different venues. He likes waterfalls. "Its so gorgeous. And I love the set up of it. Very modern but traditional at the same time." I nodded turning to take the scenery in. But I couldnt focus since Jimin is breathtakingly beautiful today. "You seem distracted. Do you not like it?" Jimin said as we walked back to the main building. I shook my head reaching out for his hand. "I actually love it. Matches the theme well and it compliments you. You match the beauty of this place." I said honestly giving the back of his hand a kiss. He blushed turning away as he smiled. We settled on the place and got the details sorted out.

I smiled watching as Jimin spoke excitedly about decorations and food. Hes been glowing lately and I cant point out when it started. I mean hes always been gorgeous but its different now. I cant really describe it. "Sweets? You okay?" I said noticing a shift in his behavior. He seemed to be in pain before he suddenly bolted to the bathroom. I followed after him feeling worried. "I-Im fine please. Go out." Jimin said as I went rub his back as he threw up. I reluctantly listened and sat outside, I hated knowing he was sick or in pain. He came out after a few minutes looking drained. "Why dont you go rest for abit? Ill make you some soup." I suggested brushing his hair back. He nodding wiping his face with a rag. I went to work making him soup and found some medicine to help him. "Thanks love." He said softly as I handed him his bowl. I pressed a kiss to his forehead before sitting beside him.

The next morning he looked like he was feeling better. I walked over to him giving him a kiss to his forehead. "Can you not?" He said before moving out of my hold. I stood there taken aback at the tone of his voice. We have argued before but hes never been like this. "Jimin-ah? Are you mad at me?" I said sitting at the counter beside him. He didnt respond to me as he kept scrolling on his phone. "Sweets can you talk to me pl-." I started when Jimin just snapped. He started yelling at me and I was so lost. "..like give me some space! I cant breathe when you smother me like this. Can you just go out sometimes without me to leave me alone to breathe. God its so annoying." He yelled catching me off guard. I dont know anyone else. Only Jimin and his friends. He knows that. I have tried to be calm but that hurt. It hurt hearing him practically say Im a burden to him. "Okay." I said before heading upstairs.

I grabbed a bag out placing some of my clothes in it. I went to grab my bathroom things packing it away too. "Hyung?" I heard Jimins voice say but I ignored him walking past him. "What are you doing?" I scoffed turning to face him as he stood there looking confused. "Giving you space. Im sorry for not realizing how annoying I am. I wont burden you with my presence." I said marching past him and down the stairs. "Wait Hyung. I-Im sorry I dont know what came over me. I didnt mean that." He said grabbing at my arm to stop me. "Or you do mean it. You just dont say anything to spare my feelings." I said watching his expression shift. He walked closer to me but I just couldnt. It really did hurt hearing him talk like that. Things I was insecure about. I

-Jimins POV-

I really fucked up. I didnt know what to do to fix this. I tried to apologize but the damage was done. Why the fuck was I even mad for? He didnt do anything wrong. He took care of me. "Im going now. Enjoy your space while Im gone." He said turning away and left. I screwed up so badly. I stood there feeling myself begin to cry as silence took over. I went outside and ran down the stairs to find him. But I didnt see him anywhere. Where did he go? I was heading up the stairs when my phone began to ring. "Jin Hyung?" I said shakily as I answered the call. "I was wanting to check on you. Joon said you guys had a fight and Yoongi needed a place to stay for abit." I breathed a sigh of relief knowing he was going to be safe. I talked with Jin for awhile and he listened. He scolded me for my carelessness but I took it because I was wrong. I exploded for no reason.

I had to make things right with Yoongi. I dont feel that way at all. I always felt proctective in that sense. Hes been through alot and I dont want him to feel like this. I am not ashamed of him. I dont hate explaining things to him. Hes different and I love that about him. I said such hurtful things that I dont even mean. What the fuck is wrong with me? "Jimin? Hey you alright?" I turned seeing Hoseok standing there in the doorway. I felt more guilty about everything as I explained what happened earlier. God Im such a dick. "You need to fix this. Hyung is a gentle soul and he tries his best to fit in. Give him one night but go to him tomorrow. Hes the best thats happened to you and he needs a reminder." I nodded feeling so guilty. I dont know what came over me today. But I have to fix it.



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