7. Its Not One Sided

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-Jimins POV-

Its been a rough week lately around the house. Hoseok and Jungkook have been fighting and work is stressful for them. Yoongi has been having nightmares about his parents too. Im trying my best to help them all. "N-No please. Dont hurt her!" I stood hearing Yoongis screams and went to his room. I slowly held his hands as I brushed his hair back. "Hyung, wake up. You are just dreaming. Sh, everythings okay." I said softly as he started to relax. He opened his eyes as he held my hand. "Sorry I keep waking you up Jimin." I froze hearing him say my name. He didnt say 'Park' this time. "Was it the same one?" I asked after awhile of silence. I saw him nod as he moved to sit up. "Will it be weird if I asked to sleep with you? Maybe if Im not alone, I wont see those dreams." He asked quietly and I couldnt help but blush. I agreed and watched as he scooted over to make room for me. I really hope he can find peace soon. I hate seeing him like this, hes filled with so much guilt. And to make it more heartbreaking, he blames himself for their deaths. I dont know how to fix that.

I woke up hearing music playing from downstairs. I turned seeing Yoongi was still asleep. I smiled alittle seeing how his hair looked. Ive always loved how long it was and shiny. I reached forward brushing some strands away from his face. "Do we have to get up for work Jimin?" He mumbled quietly causing me to stop. He called me 'Jimin' again and I dont know what to do. He never says just our first names. It sounds different coming from him. "No, you can sleep longer Hyung." I said watching him squint his eyes alittle. But thats when I started to blush. He used his arm to wrap around me pulling me closer to him. "Are you still upset with me?" I opened my eyes feeling confused at the question. But I wonder if hes referring to the incident a week ago. I didnt think my poutiness was obvious, I guess Im easy to read. It was quiet for a bit before he shifting again as he looked at me.

I shook my head feeling bad about the situation. "I have no reason to be upset." I said honestly because I really dont. He doesnt have to feel the same about me. He rejected the kiss and its okay. I didnt really think I could stand a chance with a King. Why would he feel anything for me? "I didnt push you away the other night because I didnt like it." He said quietly as he seemed to be shy all of a sudden. "I-I dont know how. Ive never kissed anyone." I wasnt sure if I wanted to coo at how adorable he can be or giggle. "Ive been practicing it. The videos I watched are alittle more than I wanted but I think I get it." I couldnt hold my laugh any longer after hearing that. He is honestly too cute. "Why are you laughing at me?" He said sitting up with a defensively but with a slight pout. I sat up apologizing for laughing at him. Poor guy must have accidently found porn when trying to learn how to kiss.

I watched as he shifted looking at me with an expression I couldnt read. It wasnt uncomfortable, I just sat waiting for him to gather his thoughts. "I know I ask alot of questions about the way things work here. But I want to try to be the man you need. I-If thats what you want too, of course. My time with you has been amazing and I like how I feel when you are around. I think you are the most beautiful man Ive ever seen." He said causing me to blush at his honesty. I felt shy about this and alittle insecure. Im beautiful? A literal King thinks Im beautiful. "Do you feel the same way about me? I mean, you did try to kiss me. So, do think that way about me too?" He said breaking the silence between us. I moved over so I can face him better. I never had the best luck with romance before. But something about him seems different.

-Yoongis POV-

I watched him silently as he started to smile at me. I dont know everything about normal relationships, but I should try. He had a rough time with his last partner, he deserves better than that. He deserves to be treated like a King. He has a kind soul and a big heart. I may not understand why, but I feel comfortable with him. Something abkut him seems right. "I like you Hyung. I have for awhile now. Just too scared to say anything. Thats why I kissed you. Tried to take a shot at confessing to you about my feelings." He said as he reached out to grab my hand. I smiled watching as he scooted towards me again. Truthfully, Ive been practicing alot of things lately. Kim Taehyung has been coaching me on how to properly flirt and how to make Jimin happy. He knows alot since they are childhood friends so its very helpful to me.

It was pretty quiet now since the music from downstairs turned off. I thought about how my parents would describe the time they met. My Father had to met different Princesses to find his Queen. He said the met he made eye contact with my Mother, he knew. He described it that it felt like a trance. He said that one look was all it took to select her. My Mother said it was the same for her, she knew my Father was the one. I want that kind of assurance they had. Finding the one that is meant for me and who Ill spend my days with. I looked over at Jimin seeing he had his eyes closed resting against the wall. He was truly the most gorgeous man Ive ever seen. "So, can I see what you learned?" Jimin said with a smile as he moved closer to my face. I wouldve done it but I thought about something Kim Taehyung said. Jimin deserves to be treated the right way.

I held his hand watching his expression drop. It was the same look he had when I pushed him away. "I want to do this right. You deserve that. Will you go on a date with me?" I said watching his cheeks turn alittle pink. He nodded giving me a big smile. Jimin has such a pretty smile. "You know I wouldnt judge you for not knowing how to kiss. Everyone has a first one. I mean my first kiss wasnt too bad but neither of us knew what we were doing." He said as he climbed out of bed. I did the same reaching for my sweater. "I know you wouldnt. Its just embarassing sometimes." I admitted watching his expression. I led the way downstairs to find something to eat. Now I have to figure outthe perfect date. I want to show Jimin how special he is to me. Hes always been kind and hnderstanding. I just want to make him feel special. And luckily, I have the perfect person to help me plan this date with.


Im sincerelysorry for my absence. Ive picked up extra hours at work so I find it hard to update this. Im really trying to be better!

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