03| love language

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Love goes beyond language.

Word Count: 1010

Valentine's Day Special!


"Wait whatㅡ" Taehyung rewinded the video ten seconds back, glancing at his notes he had been scribbling on for the past half an hour. He already felt like giving up, groaning repeatedly in frustration.

Taehyung had been spending some time from his busy college schedules trying to catch up with a list of online dictionaries and tutorials to understand Thai better, just so that he could impress his girlfriend Lalisa; but now when he gives it a second thought, he was rethinking his choices.

He planned on confessing his feelings to her on Valentine's Day, to make her feel loved. He knew she missed her family a lot, though she never mentioned about the same.

"Common Kim Taehyung, focus! It's not that hard." His alter ego's voice falters in the background as he kicks his chair off, pulling his hair out.

"I'm so done." He mumbles in his deep voice, shutting the laptop close, leaving his notes lying messily on the table. He goes out to have a walk and clear the clutter in his mind, perhaps muster some motivation to return back and start off again too.

Meanwhile, Lisa planned on surprising Taehyung by sneaking into his dorm. It was Valentine's day after all, they were supposed to go out on a date later this evening but she wasn't able to contain her excitement and the urge to meet her boyfriend led to the idea. The sooner, the better.

She pulled her hoodie over her head (which was practically Taehyung's hoodie by the way), furtively looking around to avoid suspicion especially from the security that stood guarding the gates of the boys dormitory.

Once she passed in, she was already feeling enthusiastic; she felt as if she was right out of an action sequence in one of her favourite films. Lisa tiptoed and climbed up the stairs quietly to avoid suspicion of taking the lift.

The hallway was deserted, indicating the boys around were either sleeping or out with their girlfriends.

Taehyung lived alone in his room on the fourth floor, his senior had recently graduated and the other roommate hadn't joined college yet. Although it may seem tiring as it was a long way ahead, but Lisa kept determined. If she was gonna end up in her boyfriend's embrace as a reward, this was a task she'll ace with perfection.

Letting out a silent cheer upon reaching the desired floor, Lisa collapsed in front of Taehyung's apartment from the exhaustion of climbing the numerous set of stairs.

Collecting herself up, she slipped in the spare key Taehyung had provided her to access the door. Taking a deep breath to calm her rapid heartbeat, she twisted the doorknob as the door pushed open.

Mission successful! Her heart beamed with joy.

Lisa stepped in, the room fantastically maintained without a trace of dirt lying around. Taehyung was very particular about the smallest of details, and his artistic outlook was in contrast to Lisa's spontaneity in which she loved to work in.

Nevertheless, they still clicked. Perhaps putting the famous theory over to test, that opposites attract the best.

This was perhaps the first time Lisa was sneaking in like a stranger, since the rules of the dormitory were harsh and in these six months of dating each other, they weren't open as yet. She lingered around the dining area and the bunk beds around, before finally finding a study with the lamp still switched on but no one around it.

Taehyung must be out, she thought before exploring the place a little. She couldn't waive her mind off the study table that looked overcrowded with a bundle of notes and crumpled paper lying around, as a pencil fell off from the desk and rolled, stopping by the leg.

"Hmmm, let's see." Lisa took the notebook in her hand, understanding the scribbled writing as a smile crept on to her face.

Taehyung was back from his jog, finally getting some confidence to go on. He noticed his door was unlocked so he suspiciously went in.

His eyes widened at the sight; his girlfriend sprawled up comfortably on his bed, her blonde hair peeking out from his hoodie as she read and stifled a few laughs whilst reading his notes.

"Li-Lisaㅡ?" He stuttered, making the latter look at him.

"You're back?" She smiled, raising a brow as she took long strides, walking towards him. Flipping the few pages of the book that she was holding, she asked,"Why didn't you ask me if you needed help, Tae? I could'vetranslated a few things here and there and explain you the true meaning of the words."

"I-" he found himself at a loss of words, his surprise completely ruined right in front of him. "I wanted to surprise you babe, because I wanted to take a look at your shocked face once you hear me speak Thai fluently."

"You did manage to surprise me though."

"Yeah, but I failed." He averted his gaze away from her in embarrassment.

"Heyy." Lisa whimpered, pulling his chin down to face her. "I love the effort Tae. And that's all that matters." She smiled.

"There are some feelings I want to communicate with you better, but it always backfires at times because some things are left unsaid as you don't understand neither do I, each time I have to confess my love for you." He argued, holding her hand.

"No one needs to understand anything." Taehyung looked at her with a spark of hope in his eyes as she continued.

"Because baby, we go beyond language barriers. I love you."

"I love you too." His lips finally curved into a smile, before draping a hand around her waist and pulling her closer as their lips collided.

"Happy Valentine's Day, hun." He repeated, before pulling her into another passionate kiss.



A little longer one this time, I hope this was interesting to read. Meet you in the next story!

Also, Happy Valentine's Day my dear lovelies!

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