04| fire alarm

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Sound the alarms, I miss you.

Word Count: 1084


With my backpack lazily hung over my shoulder, I walked across the school corridors towards the first class of the day.

It was Monday, in other words the most boring day of the week. I wasted my Sunday afternoon over a project that was due next week and I was already feeling dizzy since morning. Stifling a loud sigh, I prayed it was the end of the day.

"Babe!" I heard a voice behind me as my boyfriend made his way towards me. Being the troublemaker of the school he was infamous for his dumb tricks that outwitted the teachers. He always managed to keep his humor up, maybe that's why I liked him.

"Pry your eyes off my babygirl, assholes." Taehyung yelled, causing the other guys to cover their eyes in shock.

"Oh my God, why are you so extra?" I giggled, pushing him away a little.

"I'm crazy but you like it." He winked, causing my heart to melt as I immediately hug him.

"Okay but no one can ever beat you when it comes to pick up lines." He laughed at my remark.

"You knowㅡ wait, what's with that cranky look on your face?" Taehyung asked, lifting my chin up.

"Uh nothing, Monday morning blues, that's all I guess." I shoved away his hand, but he knew there was something more to it.

"Anything else?" Taehyung stood right in front of me, blacking me from moving away until he had his question answered.

"A part of me wanted to bunk classes but my mom forcibly sent me, and now I feel like disappearing from here." He pitifully kissed my sullen forehead.

"You know if you told me earlier, we could've bunked together. But anyways, you think you'll survive classes today? If not then take a break, I suggest."

"Mrs Yoon who takes physics, is one of mom's closest friends. She'll certainly not let me slip away like that. Ugh, I wished there was a way we could just run away and spend time together, for like an hour or so." I pouted, but my eyes widened the very next moment noticing a mischievous grin that tugged Taehyung's lips.

"Wait, are you up to somethingㅡ?" I questioned, but I felt as if he was zoning out.

"Hello, Kim Taehyungㅡ"

"I can make that happen." He answered, before pushing me away to my class.

"What?" I asked confused, but he just ran away leaving me alone.

"Just don't do anything stupid." I muttered under my breath.

The classes were uneventful as usual, but somehow I managed to survive through all them.

Finally it was time for the most outrageous class, Physics. Certainly, my performance in the subject wasn't a thing to be proud of, taking into record my decelerating graph of scores.

Slouching my head down on the desk, I tried my best to understand the topic that the teacher was explaining.

Midway through the lecture, my soul was already dead, trying to signal my brain to get out of the class. I was almost on the verge of falling asleep, when there was a sudden disturbance in the corridors, caused by students shouting and running around the hallways.

Our teachers had a confused look on their faces as well, as they tried to comprehend what was happening. There was a knock, I gasped when I saw Taehyung leaning against the door as he called me out.

"Baby, won't you come outside?" He pointed, as I felt my cheeks getting heated up.

"Mr Kim, may I know why you're disturbing my classㅡ"

"Oh Ms Yoon! There's a fire drill now, everyone has to rush out!! Because we need to be prepared for all situations, you see." He smirked, before walking in, confidently pulling me out.

"W-we weren't informed of this..." Mrs Yoon wondered when she heard the alarm ringing loudly as the sprinklers sprayed water around. She sighed, before dismissing the class as everyone rushed out to celebrate the best time of their lives.

"What is happening, Tae?" I pulled him into one of the emergency staircases as he pinned me against the wall finding the place completely deserted.

"You said you wanted to spend some time with me right? Here, I pulled some strings and boom!" He exclaimed, as I shot an uninterested glare at him.

"This boy..." I whispered under my breath.

"Oh come on, I'm the best boyfriend ever. You know it. Let's go now!!" He beamed in joy, before taking me to a corner downstairs.

Our happiness didn't last for long though, as the principal soon found out about the false alarm. Apparently one of the nerdy boys from junior year spotted Taehyung heading into the control room where the electricity board was, instinctively guessing that the boy was up to some mischief.

Caught red handed, he was called in immediately at the principal's office as I tagged along.

The principal sighed for the umpteenth time, while Taehyung awkwardly stood, as if he was the most innocent kid in the world.

"Again, Mr Kim?" He rubbed his glasses, having no more ideas left to punish the guy.

I just didn't know why, but for that moment, guilt surged through me. Taehyung did everything for me, and I didn't want him to suffer alone. So letting my girlfriend instincts take over, I stepped forward.

"Sir, I was the one who rang the fire alarm." I confessed, holding up a straight face as Taehyung widened his eyes.

"Wha- baby, I canㅡ" he tried to speak up, but I gestured him to stop as I continued. "He just helped me, it was me who pulled the wires that caused the alarm to buzz."

"Great." The principal cried in hysteria. "Detention, both of you."

With a sense of pride, I took Taehyung's hand in mine as we walked out confidently, towards the detention classroom.

"Yo, what was that drama in the office? Why would you do that?" Taehyung asked out of curiosity, as I pecked his cheek.

"Oh come on, ain't I the best girlfriend ever?" I mimicked him as he flashed infamous his boxy smile.

"You're becoming like me now, that's not good news."

"I love you too." I answered, before stepping on my toes to capture his lips with mine.



I feel so dumb and embarrassed after writing this, because I screwed up lmao. I hope you enjoyed reading anyways, I'd love to know if you did.
ㅡ Authornim.

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