14| a happy pill

872 95 28

❝Everyone has a happy pill. Mine just happens to be you.❞

Word Count: 3746

Requested (by anonymous) for doctor-themed romcom feat doc!tae and patient!lis. A rom-com as you wished for anonie! ◡̈♡


"Where are we going Hobi oppa? This doesn't seem like Starbucks to me." Lisa rasped out, walking along with her roommate Hoseok who seemed determined to take her somewhere. "Just some steps more and we'd be there. I did suggest you a taxi but you insisted on walking, so here we go."

His answer was everything but not the appropriate response to her previous question, it just got her a little more frustrated, the pain excruciating in her stomach. Apparently Lisa had been running a fever for days, feeling constipated almost all day long and the pain never seeming to reduce despite taking a number of painkillers from the local pharmacy. Although experiencing fatigue, a congested nose, nausea and a raging headache, she had made it clear she was not going to the doctors.

So when Hoseok suggested an idea to grab a coffee, she just couldn't decline the offer, simply because she needed something to survive. Although Lisa did think it was quite odd of Hobi to suggest it, since he wasn't a fan of coffee. But what she didn't think about was an evil plan he had up his sleeve. Lisa's condition looked nowhere near a normal fever — moreover it was nearly a week and she was undiagnosed, pretending to be the fittest person on earth and he felt sorry about that, especially when his roommate was like his younger sister.

He knew Lisa wasn't going to leave the apartment nor could he get a doctor to their house, thus he devised a plan; he brainstormed on the internet last night after booking an appointment at a doctor's practice nearby, to convince Lisa to come with him, before the idea to lure her for coffee seemed ideally helpful. Of course he had to improvise and gimmick his idea, so he used the excuse of a flash sale and well thankfully it worked because coffee and discount don't really go together. And when they do, its a mind-blowing collaboration.

"For the last time Hobi—" Lisa groaned before she noticed he had halted on his steps, standing in front of a huge complex — her eyes widened. When did the coffee shop change into a medical clinic? She gasped widely, adrenaline stimulating her flight but Hoseok's reflexes were fast to captivate her in his hold, before walking in.

"Stop freaking manhandling me....we are so not stepping in." She struggled and cried out.

"Yes we are Ms Lisa. Now let's act like civilised people and understand what the hell is wrong with you."

"Civilised you say? That place is full of sick persons!!"

"You are a sick person. Now if you complain one more time—" Hobi spoke in an authoritative manner as Lisa rolled her eyes — nobody got the best of his temper, in fact nobody dared to. Because everyone knew that even though he was the calmest beings on the planet, but once he lost his temper they had it.

When the fuck did this man get so beefy anyway? Lisa wondered before giving up her helpless cries.

"Appointment for Ms Cho Lalisa?" Hoseok inquired from the receptionist as Lisa writhed away from his grip, standing a few steps away from him. There was a strange smell as soon as they had walked in through the automated glass doors, a peculiar sickly smell unique only to hospitals.

"Just a moment sir." The lady politely greeted, going through the database. "Oh yes, please have a seat in the adjacent room until your name is called out."

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