09| daydreams

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I stop somewhere, waiting for you.

Word Count: 1560


The early sun's rays sneaked in through the small gap between the curtains, illuminating a sleeping Lalisa's face like a veil in the dimly lit room. The warm duvet and the extremely cozy atmosphere was making it almost impossible to climb out of her bed, yet she was determined she would certainly succeed today. She felt a hot breath and some soft snores behind her as she looked down to find an arm anchored around her waist, clutching her close. Smiling, she rolled on her back before looking at her boyfriend in a peaceful, deep slumber.

"Tae..." She whispered, already feeling guilty to wake him up for her selfish request. "I feel bad for ruining your sleep...but, let's go out for a walk—"

Taehyung groaned in his sleep, slipping his arm off Lisa's waist as he sunk deeper into the duvet. Left with no other choice to begin with, Lisa pulled the warm blanket off as he shuddered with the sudden cold contact. The feeling was transient, because soon enough Lisa swung her arms and wrapped her legs around his waist, as if she was straddling him. Finally turning around to face her, a heavy sigh left his lips as he slowly opened his eyes to meet her angelic ones.

"Good morning." She gently placed her palm on his cheek before running her fingers through his wavy hair.

He only hummed in response, before starting to fall asleep once again.

"Yah, wake up sleepyhead."

"Time...?" His voice was raspy as he snuggled his face into her neck.

"About 6:30."

"God, sometimes I hate that you're a morning person. Why?" He whined.

"Taehyung, you clearly know why. We're on a vacation, we can't be lazying around the whole day!"

It was then that Taehyung remembered the events of the past week; the two had been packed with tight schedules and comeback routines which cut short the time they could spend together. Lisa's solo debut was near, as promised within a month. It was Taehyung who had suggested a three day vacation in Jeju to relieve her stress and obvious exhaustion.

"You clearly know why Tae..." she said, running her head back in time when Taehyung booked two tickets for vacation, a memory of which now must've seemingly erased from his head. "I just want to go out for some early sightseeing!"

"Can't we go a little later? I'm pretty sure the beaches nor the trees will shift away..." Taehyung wanted to laugh it off, although it seemed like Lisa wasn't in the mood for it — at least not as of now.

"Fine, if you say so." She pouted a cute frown, a visible sadness in her voice as she felt disappointed when she got out of the bed. Taehyung would say her acting worked towards the end, because he reluctantly got up to slip his naked torso into a shirt, convinced to go for their 'sightseeing' date making Lisa giggle at her boyfriend's cute tactics.


"Pose at the camera, oppa!" Lisa held the camera in her hand, looking over for a perfect shot. Showing him the snap she took of him, Lisa took some candid shots of the view before them, her nose crinkling as she was absorbed in her passion for photography, making Taehyung to smile seeing her happy.

"Aren't you happy you got up early?" Lisa asked as Taehyung slumped onto a bench, already tired from walking.

"Uh..." He doesn't give her an answer, knowing his reply would upset her. "I mean, Jimin and Jungkook would be proud though, so will be my hyungs."

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