10| haze

869 105 20

A scar that blooms through blurred lines.

Birthday Special-! : Today is 27/04, in other words, my birthday so take this as a special update lol<3

Word Count: 1866


There was a prolonged knocking on the door followed by brief whispers and kind requests to unlock it.


"This is the last time I'll be repeating myself, open the door and let me in, Tae." Lisa stood adamant in front of the door with arms crossed, constantly tapping her foot against the wooden flooring in utter impatience.

"Go away, Lili. I'm seriously not in a mood to hear another lecture from you." Taehyung's voice came muffled through the tiny gap of the door that posed as an ungrateful barrier between them.

"I am not here to give you a lecture either; besides I risked sneaking out of my parent's house in the hour of midnight just to come see you, I could be even grounded for a month, you know. Now open up else I know how to break in."

Taehyung turned at sound of the door being kicked once or twice, symbolising a fuming Lisa who stood on the other side. He sighed, before taking long strides to unlatch it and peek through — before letting his girlfriend inside, only for her to meet his face in shock.

His right eye looked visibly swollen, a bruise formed on his cheek and his jaw was deeply met by bloody cuts.

"Let me guess, you attacked them and they caught you again? Tae, we've talked about this over a million times—"

"Its not that easy as you think it is, Lisa. They're demanding, they're greedy...they're ruthless monsters who killed dad."

Lisa sat beside Taehyung on the edge of the bed, her hand grazing the scar on his cheek as he slightly winced in pain. After almost a year of dating Taehyung, Lisa was aware of Taehyung's dark past that still haunts his family to this day. His father was associated with a number of gangs around the town, mostly because of the debts he owed them as a part of his gambling habits. He had drained the resources available to his family and he had soon come to realise that there wasn't much to provide to repay the debts when he had to look after a family of his own. So he started to ask for extensions in payment dates, eventually planning to break away from town. However he wasn't able to fool the gangs for long, who decided to gun him down to take away his life.

Taehyung had managed to clear off the debts but the pursuit of greed caused these gangs to annoy Taehyung more and he often picked fight with them, except now that this was happening very frequent than ever.

"They picked on me first and even sent threat mails at home. I'm sorry for breaking our promise." His eyes were filled with guilt and remorse, fixated at the ground.

"Its not just about the promise, I can't....I can't see you hurt like this. Isn't there a way to end it? File a police complaint?" Lisa placed her finger under his chin, slowly raising it up to observe the cuts of brutality that adorned his flawless face having god-tier visuals.

"You do know how much help the police would do...to them. They're corrupt anyway."

Lisa's eyes welled up in tears as she reached her arms to Taehyung's neck — before engulfing him into a hug.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Taehyung went on, his eyes fluttered close and his arms encircled around her waist in an attempt to feel her warmth against his skin.

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