Chapter 1.

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"I don't believe it" Mango manages to say between cackles of laughter. It was finally the end of what felt like the longest and hottest summer ever and Mango was sure happy to finally have a break from Bondi's weird and wonderfulness . It was currently the evening of the annual bondi fancy dress surf competition and everyone was pulling out the stops. Currently, she was watching Harries waltz down from the tower dressed up as goldilocks, flicking his hair every two minutes.

"Honey i'm home!" Harries shouts as he emerges from the water after his raft just caught the biggest wave of the night. Admittedly everyone was in doubt, as if goldilocks had just won the competition. Wheezes could be heard left right and centre from members of the public watching a group of adults build make shift rafts in attempts to catch the 'last wave of summer'. After about half an hour, the last of the stragglers reached shore and the awards ceremony began. The best wave of the night was awarded to none other than the man himself Harries. Best outfit went to Jules who dressed up as Jethro and finally best wipeout. Best wipeout was awarded to our Mango after she completely nose dived, going flying into the air. It was lifeguard tradition that whoever got these awards was photographed and hung in the tower for bragging rights. Although Mango wasn't sure if this was something she'd want the new recruits seeing.

Mango, like her name was 'muy loco', she was crazy but most of the time, her job matched her vibe so it was fine. She had flowing dark ginger hair that curled in any direction it desired. She was dedicated to her job and worked out a lot so, in return had semi defined abs and strong arms and legs. She wasn't too bothered about her appearance, as long as she accepted how she looked, she knew she was unstoppable.
Mango, being 22 didn't look like much of a 'old and wise' team leader but she sure was. She began lifeguarding around the age of 14. Her best friend Jesse was on the service and he introduced her to it. Jesse and Mango were as close as friends could get. They never dated, they had much more of a brother sister bond. Jesse was a little older than Mango, only by a few years, but that never caused any barriers between their friendship. Jesse had taught Mango everything she now knows about surfing, he was there right from her very first wave, to her most recent one. Mango passed her traineeship with flying colours, becoming the youngest fully fledged lifeguard at just 16 years old, meaning she had now been on the service for 8 years. She'd seen many lifeguards come in and out of the service through the years and was excited to see what the next season has instore.

Currently, Mango lived alone much to Jesses disapproval. He was like the overprotective big brother to her and just wanted to make sure she was safe. She currently lived across the road from Jesse and Boo, another extremely close friend of hers so it wasn't as if they ere very far away if she got into trouble. But admittedly, Mango would've loved to have a housemate.

It was coming up to the new season when Mango's phone began to blow up. The lifeguards all shared a group chat as this made it a lot easier to contact each other and send messages without having to send them individually. She noticed that two new people and been added. She saw that one of the new people was a bit older than her and found out that he was a former triathlete, there goes her chances at winning the lifeguard race this year she laughed to herself. The second was a blue eyed blondie, slim in build and similar to her in age. He seemed friendly or rather that's what she managed to see from his profile pic. She realised that they were both starting in her shift about two weeks away and she could feel in her gut feeling that this new lifeguard would have a great impact on her life.

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