Chapter 6.

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If there was any day that Mango dreaded throughout the year, it was today. Today was the annual lifeguard race and Mango couldn't be any more i excited if she tried. This years race was similar to last years where the lifeguards would be in pairs, completing the race together. However the pairs were decided on the night so that they couldn't train together which Mango thought was a stupid rule. The team drawing consisted of Hoppo pulling one name from and hat and then that person going and pulling their partners name out of the hat. Mango wasn't worried about who she would get, she was just worried that she would let them down. She always doubted herself, she never really believed what she was really capable of. Considering she'd won the race last year after being paired with whippet, she felt a sort of pressure that she had to perform well again this year.

Luckily, Mango had the day off work meaning she could be well rested and fully energised before the race. Faddy on the other hand wasn't so lucky. He got the short straw having to work. Mango decided that in order to be able to compete at the best of her ability that she needed an sauna session at the gym and plenty of energy balls and drinks.

After completing her sauna session, she headed to the grocery shop to grab a few cans of monster for herself in her favourite flavours. It's almost as if Faddy knew where she was and what she was doing as Mango received a message from him:
Faddy: Hey mamas, any chance you could run me down some energy drinks? Could really use some :)"
So, Mango picked up two more and checked out. She decided to drive this time to conserve her energy. Upon arrival to the tower she was met by an ambulance officer trying to relocate someone's shoulder and a small boy recovering from a sea urchin sting. Heading further into the tower, she saw Jesse, Maxi and Luke. Neither of the boys had realised her and they all were looking bored stuck on tower duty. "Cheer up chickens" she called out, making them all instantly turn to her and laugh. She hadn't seen Maxi in a while as whenever she was on shift, he would be away firefighting so ran over to him, messing his hair up as she knew this would annoy him. She then gave Jesse a hug and then turned to Faddy. "Will this do?" She asked handing him the drink, hoping it would match to what the boy had wanted. "Perfect thank you" he said giving her a hug.

As soon as she'd entered, Mango left the tower, heading back to her apartment. It was becoming closer and closer to the race so she decided she best get ready and chose what she was going to wear. She decided to go with the outfit she was wearing last time that she called her lucky outfit as she won in it. It was really basic, nothing fancy. It consisted of a white Nike sports bra (which made her tan look bomb af) and her black Nike pro shorts. They made her ass look great so used this to add to her confidence. She tied her hair back into two Dutch braids and applied even more sun screen before taking a big sigh and heading down to the beach.

She met up with the guys down the beach and they all huddled as they waited to find out who their partners were. Mango stood nervously between singlets and gonzo, trying to hide the fact she was bricking it. The first name pulled was Boo. He was paired up with Jules. Then Jethros name was pulled and he was paired up with Ryan. As more and more lifeguards got paired up, Mango realised that Faddy had still not been chosen and nor had she. It got down to the last four names. It was between Faddy, Mango, Yatesey and Mario. Mario's name was picked next and he was paired with Yatesey meaning that Mango and Luke would be a par.
"Far out, that's not fair, Mango taught Faddy how to lifeguard they literally know each others next move without talking" Chappo cried and everyone erupted in laughter. Mango wasn't going to admit it but she was more than happy to be paired with Faddy.

The race began with a run to tama, followed by a board paddle back to Bondi , followed by a swim to bronte, concluding with a final run back to Bondi. Each member had to do 2 legs each but it was up to the pairings how this order would go. Between the two of them, they had decided that Mango would do the first run and the swim and Faddy would do the board paddle and final run. All the lifeguards taking part in the second leg were transported over to Tamarama beach, where they would be met by the runner.
All the lifeguards were incredibly fit - they had to be to get the job. But some lifeguards excelled in different areas. Jesse and Boo were know for their big wave skills whereas Lachie and Jules were known for their great ability to run. Lining up at the starting line, Mango looked to see who her competition would be for the first leg. She saw that her main competition would be Lachie, Jethro and Deano so told herself to keep up with these guys to help give her and Faddy a fair chance of ranking. The horn started and cheers could be heard all around as the lifeguards began the race. Mango stuck to her word, leading the pack with Lachie. The two of them would run together often so it wasn't unusual. After a while the two decided they wanted to create a gap between them and the rest of the field so picked up their pace. Lachie was paired with Jesse so Mango knew that for the board leg, she would need to help Faddy get a good lead as Jesse was a freak of nature when it came to board paddling. With this in mind, Mango picked the pace up even more, creating about a 100m lead on Lachie.

Upon reaching Tamarama, Mango heard cheers from the crowd of supporters that had formed. She was able to quickly tag Faddy before she was transported back to Bondi before the swim leg. There was a group of volunteers who drove the lifeguards around so the whole process ran smoothly. During the board paddle, it was heard over the radio that there was a 3m bull shark in the bay at Bondi, causing fear to develop in the swimmers. Many swimmers were hesitant to enter the water, hoping their board paddler would take as long as they possibly could. Any lifeguard taking part in the swim leg caught going on the rocks would be disqualified so Mango knew she would have to swim as fast as possible to get out of the water as quick as possible.

Like she had expected, Jesse was the first to reach Bondi with Faddy extremely close behind him, followed shortly by Jules. This meant that in the swim, she would have to compete against Boo and Lachie which did bring her a little doubt. As soon as she hit the water, she pinned it, gaining ground on Boo. The two of them were now becoming further away from Lachie. This made Mango happy. As much as she loved to train with Lachie, the idea of beating him in the swim leg excited her.

Mango and Boo exited the water almost simultaneously, handing back over to Jules and Faddy, and finding the nearest vehicle that could take them back over to Bondi to the finish line. The whole car ride was Boo and Mango discussing who they thought would win and congratulating each other on their performances.

They had been at Bondi for about 5 minutes before more of the pack joined, all anticipating the winners. Each lifeguard hyping up their team mate, hoping they would come out victorious.

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