Chapter 13.

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Weeks flew by and before Mango knew, she was in her final trimester. Today, her and Faddy were going shopping. They'd gotten all of the needed equipment like a cot, buggy, rocking chair however had no clothes. So today, they were headed to find their little life some cute fits. They didn't want to know the gender of the baby until it was born - this just meant their was always speculation and excitement. There were times when they really thought it would be one gender and then times when they strongly felt it would be the other.

Mango had gotten massive now, her bump hiding her feet when she looked down. She had trouble doing everyday tasks and found herself snacking constantly. As they were shopping round, they got glared at by some people. They were both young, they admitted that, but decided to make the best out of something that wasn't necessarily planned.

It was her final day on tower duty before she left for maternity leave and Mango could feel herself getting emotional. She loved spending time down here and seeing her best friends everyday and the thought of taking a couple of months off upset her slightly. They guys had given her a leaving present - a beautifully boquete of flowers and the cutest little baby life guard jersey. Their baby was going to be a Bondi baby, that was for sure. Faddy had been given less shifts, meaning he could be around for when their baby made its entrance into the world.

That night, whilst discussing what features they'd think the baby would have whilst lying in bed, Mango began to feel slight discomfort in her belly. Shortly after, a watery type fluid came gushing out of her. This was it, she was going into labour. Faddy, nervous as this was his first experience at being a father, made the phone call to the hospital, resulting in Mango being told that it was time for them to meet their baby.

Faddy and Mango both secretly hoped for a boy, although they never told anyone, not even each other. She progressed extremely quickly, leading to the baby being born before the night turned to morning. Weighing in at a healthy weight, Mango delivered a beautiful baby boy at 11:36 pm. Faddy had stuck by Mango the whole labour process, offering her support throughout. He was an Angel in disguise.

More than happy with their new arrival, the duo decided to share their news with the world via their Instagram stories.

They sent the same picture to the group chat, but revealing the name to their fellow lifeguards

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They sent the same picture to the group chat, but revealing the name to their fellow lifeguards. Faddy typed in the message 'meet Reggie Fraser Faddy', along with several more pics of the newborn. Congratulations and celebratory messages were sent in the chat. Mango had realised that at this point she was so pure with joy, she wanted to marry the man!

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