Chapter 11.

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Let's just say Mango's day at work didn't go too great. For starters she was extremely cranky due to her lack of sleep and the fact she was hungover and still ill. Her crankiness only fuelled her rudeness meaning that Rudy was fully on show today. Her first victim: Jethro. Usually, Mango would join in with Jethro's craziness but today she was having none of it. After one comment from Jethro, she'd already had enough. "Were you born this stupid or did you take lessons?" She snapped at the boy, leaving him in shock. This was so unlike her, he was unsure of what to say or do so kept quiet for the rest of the time they were situation between the flags.
Much to Jethro's liking, Joel had offered to swap. Joel and Jethro were besties, he could tell by the way Jethro was speaking on the radio that he needed a break so, Joel being the kind soul he was, came to save the day.

Mango was sent out to do a rescue. In all honesty everyone just wanted a break from her, even Faddy although he didn't openly admit it. Once getting her patient to shore it was clear that there had been some miscommunication between the two of them and Mango was angry. "Everyone's entitled to act stupid once in a while, but you really abuse the privilege" she shouted at the man. He looked upset by the fact she was spraying him instead of helping him. "Now go have a nice day somewhere else" she concluded the conversation, waking back over to the buggy. Unfortunately for her, the Bondi rescue crew had caught all of her actions from the day so far. If she was unhappy now, just wait until she found out the world would be seeing it too.

For some reason, Mango only felt the need to insult Jethro. None of the others bothered her but something about Jethro really wasn't working. Unlucky for him, he found himself stuck for the next two hours with her. He'd thought that maybe by that time in the afternoon she'd be a bit happier and more like her normal self, but it just got worse and worse. Anything that went wrong for her, even if Jethro had no involvement in, she'd blame him for it anyway. By the end of the day Mango had, had enough. She just wanted her bed. "You see that door Jethro" she began shouting once again "I want you on the other side of it!", this time slamming her hands on the desk. To Jethro's delight, Hoppo happened to walk in just at the right time, meaning he heard the whole situation unfold. "I think we should go for a walk n talk mango, follow me" he said, causing the girl to slowly retreat from her chair and head out the door. The walk consisted of Hoppo explaining how Mango's actions today were not okay and that he thought it would be in her best interest to finish early and go catch some sleep before her shift tomorrow. So, following the boss's request, she collected her things and headed off home.

Once in her apartment, Mango's eyes flooded with tears. She felt so bad. Poor Jethro had been battered all day by verbal abuse all because she couldn't handle her drink. Before heading off to bed, she'd written a long ass paragraph and sent it to the group chat that her and the other lifeguards shared. Once she was sure it had sent, she turned her phone off completely and shut her eyes. She was unsure if when she was going to wake up.

On arrival to the tower the next morning, Mango made sure to go straight to Jethro. She pulled him close to her, hugging him tightly. "Jethro I'm so sorry" she said, with an apologetic tone. He accepted the apology, knowing that he would have probably reacted in the same way if he was in that situation, meaning the two goofs were back in business.

Faddy and Mango were sent to the south corner together. The rip was howling and tourists were loosing their footing left right and centre. Faddy had just been in for a rescue whilst Mango had been supervising from the shoreline. "Faddy..." she said loud enough so that only he would hear "more like daddy" she added. "You like it when I'm wet huh" he replied, smirking creating a build up if tension between the two.

The rest of their shift was spent shovelling scores of tourists out of the rip and up between the flags. Mango and Faddy were so in love, it was clear to see by just looking at them.

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