Chapter 9.

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"Wake up mamas, we've got a big day ahead of us". Mango rolled over, to be faced with a smiling and eager Faddy. "Wha- What?" she spoke in her raspy morning voice. "It's 4:30 am Faddy, what have you got planned?!". Although Mango was at first reluctant to move from her warm and cosy bed, she knew how much Faddy had planned this trip so decided to stop complaining and appreciate the fact she had such thoughtful friends.

The pair were about half an hour into their road trip before Mango found out where they were going and what Faddy had planned. "No wayyy!" Mango said, shocked at how the boy had managed to pull this off. It had always been Mango's dream to visit Tomaree National Park. Considering it wasn't that far away, she just could never find the time to visit.
"Now the surf boards in the back make sense" Mango said, becoming more excited with every mile they drove closer to the destination. Although Mango always spoke to Faddy and the rest of the lifeguards about how much she wanted to visit Tomaree, she wasn't sure if any of them were ever actually paying attention to her. She felt like crying. The fact that Faddy had listened to her many hours of rambling about this place and now he was taking her there made her feel emotional. It was one of the most amazing gifts that she had ever received and made sure that he was fully aware of this for the duration of their trip.

To make the trip even better, Faddy had rented out the most amazing hotel room with the best view. She couldn't quire believe it, it looked like something she would see on pinterest, not out of a hotel room window. They spent the whole day surfing. Mango loved the freedom that the ocean gave her so wouldn't have changed this for the world. After catching multiple waves and hyping each other up for every 'gnarly' wave they caught, both Mango and Faddy decided to head back to their room. Faddy took first dibs on the shower, he had some things he needed to set up without Mango's knowledge so thought if he had a shower first, he could set up whilst she was getting ready. He knew how much Mango loved long showers so knew that he would have at least 20 minutes to set up.

He started by setting a little picnic blanket on the floor, shortly covering it with Mango's favourite foods. She loved fruit, slightly ironic given her name, but she loved it none the less. He then arranged a few more of her other favourite snacks on an organised platter and started on the balloons. He'd managed to find some small yellow balloons with the number 23 on, so blew these up to have scattered on the floor around them. Just as he'd finished placing the neatly wrapped gift he'd got her under one of the balloons, he heard the shower turn off, alerting him that it was nearly time to show Mango.

As she walked out the bathroom, she'd noticed the balcony curtain was drawn, it was only around 7pm so Mango was confused as to why Faddy had drawn it. She wanted to watch the sunset. She then noticed that the boy was no where to be seen, confusing her even more. Feeding her curiosity, Mango walked towards the curtain, pulling it back to be met with a smiling Faddy and the cutest little set up. "Faddddyyyyy!" She said, surprised at what he had managed to pull off. "Here, come sit down" he directed, reaching his hand out to hers.
They sat there cuddling for hours, watching the burning sun gradually sink, erupting the sky with colours. Mango couldn't have dreamed this any better if she tried.

Faddy's heart began to race and his palms became sweaty as he edged himself on to ask her one last question. "Hey uh Man- Mango" he spoke, his voice shaking slightly. Mango turned her head to face the boy with concern showing on her face due to the uncertainty in his voice. "I need to ask you something" he spoke up again, breaking the silence. He took a deep breath and composed himself..

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