Capter 5.

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For the first time since starting to work at Bondi, it was Faddy's first shift without Mango by his side. He missed her sarcastic remarks as he sat down in the quiet North end of the beach, watching the water. Little did he know that although Mango wasn't working, she was still training him. Faddy was an attractive guy, everyone can see that. So, today Mango was testing Luke's ability to stay focused when faced with attention from pretty women. After running her plan by Hoppo, she gathered a group of her friends and told them to go and see if they could distract him.

They girls began swarming Faddy, he was over crowded by them. Mango had placed small microphones on each of the girls so that she and Hoppo could see and hear how he reacted to the situation. Kindly but firmly Faddy reminded the girls that he had a job to do and although he was happy to take photos with them, he needed to stay focused on the water and the job at hand. Faddy didn't just pass this test, he obliterated it, leaving no mess behind. Mango and Hoppo both gave each other a look as if if say 'we've got a winner here'.

Mango decided it was then time to trick Faddy. Every lifeguard knows that at some point they're going to either be pranked or witness one and she saw this as the perfect opportunity to get one over in Faddy. She teamed up with Hoppo to make it seem more real. Hoppo picked up his radio and asked if Faddy could come over to his office, which he and Mango were sat in, to discuss his actions. Mango knew that he would be panicking, she knew how much he wanted this job and knew how much he had learned over the short period he was with her.

Shortly after this call, there was a knock at the door. Mango hid behind Hoppos desk so that she couldn't be seen. She then heard the door open and Faddy took a seat opposite the boss. Hoppo began telling Faddy how he was unsure if Faddy would make it and that he would need to step up his game if he wanted to continue as a lifeguard. At this point Mango began to feel extremely guilty so decided to jump out from behind the desk. "Sike!" She yelled, looking at the boys facial expression instantly change. "You're an asset to the service Luke honestly and we're so glad to have you, I can see you being a lifeguard for many years to come" Hoppo concluded and saw Faddy smiling profusely. He then turned to look at Mango "I have learnt from the best" he spoke and she shit him a winning smile back. "Now get back out there and continue to make us proud" Mango stated as the boy got up and left, thanking them as he walked out of the door.

After another long week of work, it was finally time for Faddy to move in with Mango. The pair had decided to keep this a secrete from the rest of the team as they knew they would get a lot of remarks. They waited for a day where Boo and Jesse were both working so that they wouldn't see the moving van, bringing Faddy's stuff over. The two of them were busy all day, sorting things out and unboxing things. Faddy took up residence in Mango's spare room, well at now for least. After getting settled, they decided they should announce that they were now living together but wanted to do it in style. Mango had seen a picture of a couple pushing each other in shopping cart so decided that they could recreate this.

Mango drove herself and Faddy over to the shops so they could take a bomb ass pick. They also needed groceries so it wasn't all just a waisted trip. They got what they needed and headed back home. During the ride back to their apartment, they were conflicted over which one of them should post the pic. So instead of fans seeing the same photo twice, Mango message the official Bondi lifeguards page asking if they would post the picture along with the caption she wanted.


Liked by mango_, lukefaddy, harriesbondi and 5,030 morethebondilifguardsofficial: hands up if you're excited to be living with you best friend 👋Tagged @mango_ and @lukefaddy

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Liked by mango_, lukefaddy, harriesbondi and 5,030 more
thebondilifguardsofficial: hands up if you're excited to be living with you best friend 👋
Tagged @mango_ and @lukefaddy

Looks like I'll be owing you that beer soon Max

I wonder how long before they accidentally burn the place down

Yeahhhhhh 🤟

Living the dream 🥳

It's always the 'best friend' and never 'the boyfriend'. I say give it a week

Daddy Faddy ~ Bondi rescue Where stories live. Discover now