Chapter 3.

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Mango was becoming increasingly more comfortable around Faddy and she was pretty sure he was feeling the same way. She'd managed to come up with a greeting for Clint within just a days. She knew she wanted a funny one for faddy so took her time to decide. While working a shift with faddy in the middle set of flags it clicked. It happened whilst he was just coming back to the buggy after competing a rescue. "What's cooking good looking" she yelled as he was round the back of the buggy just drying off. Mango saw his cheeks instantly go red. "What did you just say?" he questioned with a slight giggle. "You heard me" Mango replied, this time smirking. Faddy began laughing, becoming more and more red. "You know what Mango" he spoke and she tilted her hair to acknowledge "I need my own nickname for you". She could feel herself begin to smile, she loved the idea that he wanted his own name for her that none of the others would use.

Mango had acquired the nickname Rudy during her time as a lifeguard. This was because she was notorious for occasionally being rude towards people who would frustrate or annoy her. Faddy was aware of this but still wanted something that only he would call her to make their bond more special.

Faddy soon became aware of the reason why Mango was nicknamed Rudy. Mango had paddled out to rescue a man semi-drowning just outside of the flags. The man was acting super strange but Mango was use to dealing with male attention and learned to just ignore it. The man, who could very easily understand what Mango was saying, chose to ignore her instructions and lie on his belly facing her as she rode a wave into shore. The man was complementing Mango the whole ride in and she felt uncomfortable to say the least. As they returned the guys friends all circled around her. From Faddy's point of view it looked like they were just hugging her and thanking her. That was until Mango pushed through two of men shouting back at them "feed your own egos, i'm busy" to which Faddy began to laugh hysterically. "Rudy strikes again" he said whilst walking over to her to embrace her in a hug to calm her down. It wasn't unusual for lifeguards to do this to help calm each other down so Mango thought nothing much of it.

The end of the day rolled around meaning that for Mango it was finally time to go home. As much as she loved her job, she did get tired and craved having some alone time after being surrounded by people all day. As she was walking home, she realised that Faddy was just ahead of her. "What's cooking good looking" she screamed, knowing that he would instantly realise it was her and turn around. Not very surprisingly he sure did. "Stalking me are we rudy?" he said, slowing down so the girl could catch up to him. "You guessed it" she said in a jokingly way, laughing so Faddy could be sure it was a joke. Mango only lived about a 10 minute walk from the beach so saw no need to drive to work. Although what she had failed to realise was that Faddy lives just two streets away meaning they could walk too and from work every time they were in shift together.

Through talking to Faddy, she had realised that he still lived with his parents and although he loved them, he really wanted a place of his own. After walking in silence for a few minutes Mango spoke up. "I have a spare room", she said turning to look up at the boy "you can have it if you want" she said as she looked deeper into the boys eyes. It's almost as if she could see the cogs spinning around in his head trying to process what she had just offered. "Really?" he replied, surprised. "Yeah I could really do with a roomie, and a hot one too" she said watching a smile grow on the boys face. "Why don't you come over after work tomorrow to check it out?" she asked before the boy pulled her into a strong hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" he said, squeezing her tighter with each word. After talking more, they headed their separate ways back to their houses.

It was only after Mango arrived home that she checked her phone for the first time since her lunch break earlier in the day. She noticed that she had gained a few followers on instagram with on of them being by an account called 'lukefaddy'. Intrigued, she clicked onto the account to find out it was none other than Faddy so instantly selected the follow back option. Later that night whilst chilling on the sofa, Mango's phone bleeped with a notification say that 'lukefaddy' has tagged you in a post. A smile grew on her face. Surely this meant that he was thinking about her.


Liked by lifeguardbox, boo2035, bondi lifeguards official and 118 morelukefaddy: Couldn't of asked for a better best friend 🥺Tagged: @mango_

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Liked by lifeguardbox, boo2035, bondi lifeguards official and 118 more
lukefaddy: Couldn't of asked for a better best friend 🥺
Tagged: @mango_

Yeah the kids 🤙🏼

Your photographer needs a raise


@lachlan_mcarthur_ if these too don't end up together you owe me a beer

Mango joined in, commenting "We shore do know how to seas the day <3"
She could feel herself becoming almost blushed thinking about the bond her and faddy shared. Maybe he was the one she was searching for.

Daddy Faddy ~ Bondi rescue Where stories live. Discover now