Chapter 8.

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Liked by jessepollock, harriesbondi, clintkimmins and 347 more@mango_: reality called, so I hung upTagged @lukefaddy

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Liked by jessepollock, harriesbondi, clintkimmins and 347 more
@mango_: reality called, so I hung up
Tagged @lukefaddy

Date already

These kids get weirder everyday 🤣

This is what I see when I look out of my window 🤣

To kool for skool😘

Mango laughed as she read through all the comments of fans saying that her and Faddy should date. She agreed with them but was too afraid to make the move in case he wasn't feeling the same. It was common knowledge to the lifeguards that Luke and Mango had a very special connection and that something was bound to happen between them. Mango liked to stay very professional, knowing that she couldn't show any affection towards him whilst working as Hoppo didn't approve of that behaviour. Although, he had to admit it was cute seeing an upfront clown of a lifeguard like Mango fall for a sweet and composed lifeguard like Faddy.

Mango's birthday was coming up. She would be turning 23 although mor often than not felt like she was still 13 at heart. Faddy had been planning a special surprise for her for her birthday. All Mango knew about this is that she had to pack an overnight bag and her swim stuff. Mango was aware that Faddy would openly talk about the plans he had with the other lifeguards so each time she saw one, she would quiz them, seeing if they would give anything away. None of them slipped up, not even Jethro! It was just Mango's luck that she had to work on her birthday. She knew it would be busy, the end of summer was fast approaching and she knew people would swarm to the beach, in hopes of catching the last swim of summer.

"Happy birthday Mangooooo!!" Burkey shouted as soon as she walked through the door of the tower. She instantly smiled, thanking the boy and hugging him. As she headed over towards the desks, she was met by all the other lifeguards working with her that day singing, holding a cake with 23 little wax candles. "Thanks guys" she said in a embarrassed yet happy time. The morning started off quiet so Jethro asked if anyone fancied paddling out to the shark boy with him for a training exercise. Mango volunteered, she had nothing much else to do so thought this would be good to pass some time. Jesse reluctantly tagged along, trying to defeat his fear of sharks. "If the big boy wants to get you, there's no coming back" he told the Bondi rescue team in his interview.

Heading further out, the fear of what lied underneath did scare Mango. She wasn't massively scared of sharks but the thought that one could literally be right underneath her without her knowing did scare her. The three of them touched the boy, gave each other a look and all started pinning it for sure. Just as she thought things were alright she heard an almighty screech come from Jethro. "Far out, is that a fin?" he said, pointing in the distance. That was all Mango needed, she didn't even look, she just wanted land. Not even 5 seconds after this, the screeching siren of the shark alarm filled the beach. What Jethro had seen was in fact a 6ft great white.

When reaching shore, Mango, Jesse and Jethro were met by a laughing chappo, impressed at how fast they had just paddled. "Did you say hello to mr sharky whilst you were having your little paddle" he laughed, knowing how scared the three of them must have been. Jesse shot chappo a look and he then knew this was no joke. As a result of this, chappo decided he should go out on the jet ski and took Mango with him. Burkey was going to go, but chickened out at the last minute.

"Deano got the notification on his phone and from your reactions out their we knew something was happening" chappo said as the two of them raced over the waves. Within 15 minutes, the shark had been successful scared away and the beach was reopened.
"Yeah wasn't exactly the best present" Mango spoke in her interview "but what can I say, it did make for an interesting morning" she laughed, trying to play off the fact that she was indeed still scared about going back out into the water.

Surprisingly, the day went by pretty quickly, there were no big dramas and there were enough rescues to keep Mango busy. It was tradition that on each lifeguards birthday, the whole team would gather and have a sunset swim. Mango loved the idea of spending time with everyone and was excited. After her shift had ended, she made her way over to the girls locker room to be met by Jules. Mango loved Jules, her composure, her calmness, her vibe, everything about her brought out happiness in Mango. The two of them shared an embracing hug before talking about the latest gossip. Mango would always vent to Jules about her boy drama as Jules seemed to have the answer to everything. Always. Mango began by saying how much she is enjoying living with abs spending time with Faddy and that she wanted to take things further. She was saying how she really wanted to make a move but was scared of rejection to which Jules replied with "only time will tell".

Everyone was in the water but Faddy and Mango. They all began to slow clap as Faddy took her hand and ran into the water. Cheers could be heard as they entered, being splashed by those who they passed. The water erupted with 'happy birthdays' and whoops as everyone celebrated.
After a good hour or two of swimming, it began to get dark and sharky so everyone decided that it was time to head in and head home. Faddy had given Mango a piggy back ride the whole way home due to her legs being too tired from all the work she had done today. "Excited for your surprise?" Faddy asked the girl who was now resting her head on his shoulder. She was a bit concerned as to what the boy had planned but needless to say she was also extremely excited. "I can't wait" she replied, kissing the temple of his head.

Faddy was smart enough to book the next 3 days off for the two of them so that he could make his surprise reality. He was so excited. However, there was one question on this trip that filled him with the most doubt.

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