Chapter 12.

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Some time had passed and Faddy and Mango had finally said the big three words to each other, although they continued to argue over who had said it first. Considering the love she felt in her life currently, she wasn't feeling all too well physically. She blamed it on the weather, she often got a winter depression so thought it mush just be this however she'd been extremely nauseas recently, especially in the mornings and her sleep was all over the place. 'Could I maybe be... you know?' She thought to herself. To prevent her from panicking, she had decided to make an appointment at the doctors, just to rule out any other issues.

"Feels like you have a little one in there" the doctor said, applying pressure to her stomach. "You mea- you mean I'm having a baby?" she asked, surprised yet excited by this news. The doctor confirmed it after running some more tests, telling Mango how she was currently around 4 weeks along. Mango had noticed that recently she'd put on a bit of weight but blamed that down to her increased eating. It all made sense now, she was creating a whole new life.

"Faddy, Faddy, Faddy" she said, bursting through the door of the apartment. He looked at her confused, waiting for her to continue. "I - I mean we have something I need to tell you". Confused as why she had said 'we', he looked around for more people but saw no one. "We're having a baby!" She said excitedly, showing him the positive test results. His shock soon turned to happiness, joining Mango in her excitement. They would be starting a family of their own. She then explained to the boy how she was currently one month in and that she would have to tell Hoppo as she would need to be taking time off of work. The pair had decided to keep it secretive to the rest of the guys until it became too hard to hide, only telling Hoppo first. The pair had decided that the sooner they told Hoppo the better, so headed down to the beach to share their news.

During their short walk, the pair had come up with a plan. Considering it would look a bit odd with them both going into Hoppo's office on their day off, they decided that Faddy would distract the boys whilst Mango did the honours of talking to the boss. Upon arrival, she saw Hoppo alone in his office so seised the opportunity.
Knocking on his door timidly, she waited for his approval for her entrance. She sat down in the chair, taking a deep breath before spilling all. Hoppo congratulated her and told her he was delighted to be the first to hear. He agreed to keep it just between them but did remind Mango she could only safely work up until about 12/14 weeks. This meant that she could still do tower duties and treat first aids but, couldn't do more strenuous tasks such as paddling out to rescue someone.

Due to her being pretty petite already, it took Mango a little while until she began to show. The rest of the guys had found out when she hit 14 weeks as they all questioned why she was in the tower all day. This all became clear once the news was shared. They'd all congratulated her and were excited to meet the newest arrival to the team. Due to it being winter, there had been very little amounts of people on the beach, meaning Mango's bump was easy to hide. But as the summer was soon looming and the cameras starting to return to their filming schedule, both her and Faddy decided it was time to share their news with their fans. Instead of both posting about it, they decided to post on the lifeguard page.


Liked by lifeguardbox, whippet_, crispyriderbacon1, jessepollock and 8,763 more bondilifeguardsofficial: in the words of our Rudy "I guess there's no hiding it anymore"

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Liked by lifeguardbox, whippet_, crispyriderbacon1, jessepollock and 8,763 more
bondilifeguardsofficial: in the words of our Rudy "I guess there's no hiding it anymore". Big congratulations to @mango_ and @lukefaddy for their news, we can't wait to meet the newest member of the team!

So exciting! So proud 💓

Congratulations to you both!

Mini mango🥭

Max, I think I owe you more than just a beer now

Daddy Faddy ~ Bondi rescue Where stories live. Discover now