Seikatsu's Help

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She cuddled deeper into me.

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

Then, I had gotten a weird feeling.

It was familiar, but I had forgotten what it was called.

Seikatsu...I will protect you, no matter what...

I stroked her golden hair, she giggled in her sleep.

I smirked, but I could feel myself trying to smile.


Seikatsu was talking in her sleep.

I look at her, kiss the top of her head, closed my eyes and slept.


I look around, I see nothing but black.

Then I hear my own voice.

"You are loneliness, the dark, you are Death's angel."

I felt cold inside.

What...I feel...cold...

Then I started to see my breath.

"You are the winters night, the cold, you have no heart, you show no mercy."

Then I heard a different voice, more angelic...almost like Seikatsu's voice.

"It isn't too late to turn back, you can go on."

Then there was the different voice.

" Don't listen to have already came so far..."

" You can start over. You have a choice Amaya. "

" There's only one choice, you are loneliness. "


I woke up to see Seikatsu in my face.

"A-Amaya! Are you awake?"

She wiped under my eyes.

"You were crying in your sleep."

I rub my eyes, and look at her.


She nodded once.

I smirk, then hear rustling from behind us.

I quickly protect her.

"Seikatsu...stay back."

"Amaya! Lemme try something!"

She giggled and skipped towards the rustling.


I became worried.

I could hear her trying to lure in the people/person.

After a while, I heard a blood curdling scream.

I widened my eyes, and I ran towards Seikatsu's direction.

Seikatsu...please be ok...

I see her being held by her ankle by a buff guy.

"Wasn't this the one that escaped a few years back?"

He had a deep voice.


That's all it took...her screaming fear...her calling my name.

I felt my rush come back.

" la la la..."

The guy looked around, talked to the person on his phone.

"H-hold on...I gotta go."

He hung his phone up and looked around frantically.

"Hey! Who's there?"

I heard Seikatsu giggle.

"She's coming...and she's coming for you."

The guy hesitated.

I went behind him stealthily.


I stabbed his back, and he dropped Seikatsu.

Now it was my turn.

I'm glad I could save turn.

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