Return to the Asylum

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I open my eyes slowly.

I see myself in a cushioned white room.

The familiar smell of latex and hospitals...

It made me feel sick inside.

The doctor came in and had gotten beside me.

"Long time no see, Amaya Yin."

I cut my eyes at him, and then looked at the floor.

He then looked at me confused a bit.

"Amaya...why did you escape?"

I kept my focus on the ground, trying to ignore him.

"It was a very foolish attempt for you to try Amaya, didn't you know we would find you?"

I look up at him with eyes of hatred.

He looked scared, and motioned at his nurses.

The nurses came with the needles full of the medicine that I've come to hate.

I tried to move my arms, but they had put a straight jacket...limiting my movements.

They pinned me down to the floor, and tried to stick the large needle into my arm. more...I'm...gonna end!!!

I turned facing the nurses, I purposely made them miss my arm.

The nurse holding the needle, hit my heart area instead.

She had stabbed my heart with the large needle, she broke through the bone with the weight of her body falling on me.

She injected the medicine into my heart, causing my heart rate to slowly drop.

I felt myself getting cold, my vision started getting blurry, then I whispered to myself.

"S-Seikatsu...Yuki...I'm coming...home..."

Everything had went black, I saw nothing...nothing but the dark.

The ebony color around me...

I looked around, and I saw myself in a faintly lighted place.

"Seikatsu? Yuki?"

I called out for them both.

I then saw myself in a familiar forest at dusk.

I tried looking at myself in a puddle...I saw no reflection.

So...I'm dead...what now? They've already killed this monster that was me...I just wanted to be healed...I couldn't even have that...


I heard a small and angelic voice that rang in my ears that I haven't heard since my last birthday.


I started to smile and cry tears of joy.

I then saw her running towards me.

Her golden blonde curls bounced as she ran, her dress flowing as it had always done.

She lept into my arms, I held her tightly.

I started crying tears of joy...

"Hey, you know a guy named Yuki? He's been talking about you an awful lot."

I widened my eyes a bit.

"Yes...where is he?"

"Behind you Amaya."

His voice had said to me musically.

I turned, Seikatsu lept out of my arms, allowing Yuki to hold me in a tight and loving embrace.

"I've been waiting for you Amaya, my love."

Seikatsu started giggling.

"Ooooooh!!!! Amayaaaaaaaa!!!! You gotta boyfriend!!!!"

I looked at the ground laughing lightly.

"I've missed you too Seikatsu..."

Yuki kissed the top of my head gently.

"Well, we all have each other now, forever."

Yuki held me close to him and kissed me as he had done like the first time.

I kissed him back in the same patterns as he did.

After a while, Yuki rested his forehead on mine.

Seikatsu came between us playfully.

"Hey...Amaya...y'know...maybe, you can be my mom, Yuki can be my dad, and I can be your daughter...we could be a family!!!"

Seikatsu started laughing and dancing around.

Yuki looked up at me.

"Well... I wouldn't mind it."

I looked up at Yuki as he looked up at me.

"Well then, I don't have a problem with that either."

Seikatsu started running around in joy.

"We're a family, forever."

Yuki had said softly.

"Nothing can stop us now."

I had said softly as well.

Seikatsu had hugged us both.

"I'm gonna call you mama and you daddy!!"

I laughed lightly.

Yuki nodded.

"Alright now, go and have some fun...our little daughter."

Seikatsu took off running, leaping over holes that she couldn't fall into. isn't as bad as it seems...although life is good, it's filled with hurt...but now, my life is over so another one can begin. That's the rule of death. One dies so another can live. If we were all granted immortality, there would be no room for a new life to begin. I now have something better than what I would've had alive. I no longer live in fear, but in peace...


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