The Ride with Yuki

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I walked with him on the trails in the woods.

I couldn't help but feel least a little...

You're loved Amaya!!! Be happy!!!

I heard her angelic voice.

Thank you Seikatsu...

There wasn't anyone with us, it was us all alone in the huge woods.

I walked with him quietly, with him still holding my wrist gently.

We arrived at a parking lot and we headed to a black truck.

He opened the right door, he motioned me to get inside.

"Ladies first."

He smiled as he said that to me gently.

I carefully got inside, nervous as to if he were lying...and the voice of Seikatsu just being one of the voices in my head.

He got in the driver side, and turned the keys.

The engine roared to life and we began moving.

He put his seatbelt on as he drove, as did I.

"So, you still go to school?"

He asked me curiously.

"No...I'm never going back..."

He flickered his attention from the road to me, then back to the road.

"So, you're a drop out?"

I shrugged.

"I guess..."

He chuckled softly.

I look at him wondering what he was laughing about.

"You're pretty amusing...why were you all alone? Why don't you tell me about your past..."

He then tensed and looked at me hesitantly.

"I-I mean...if you want to, its fine if you don't."

I look at him calmly.

"Its fine...I'll tell you, you seem like you won't try and take me back'll understand what I mean later by that..."

As he drove, I told my life story.

"Your parents did that to you? Treated you like an animal?"

I looked down.


"You had no friends?"


"A-Amaya...I'm so sorry...that should've never happened to you..."

I look at him, examining his emotions by his facial expressions.

Sadness...understanding...pained...hurt...does he really know? Does he really care?

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes, protectively.

"Amaya, I promise to never let that happen again. You deserve so much better, you've hurt for too long...if anyone wants to take you in, I will fight for you...I'll protect you Amaya, I promise."

Those words...they have so much power...does he mean it?

"Do you mean that Yuki?"

He looked at me with a serious look in his eyes.

"Yes, I promise to never let anything bad happen to you Amaya."

I felt my heart skip a beat.

He means it...Yuki...

I spoke out the last part of what I was thinking.

"Thank you..."

"You don't have to thank me..."

I look at him, he looked at me quickly with a cute smile.

"I'm doing it because I care for you, Amaya. I feel something special being with you."

What did he mean by that?

"I feel like I can be myself around I can tell you anything...if anything, I thank you, Amaya."

I felt my heavy heart get lifted, tears gathering to my eyes.

I look out the window and watched the trees pass by as he drove.

"You can sleep if you want, it'll take a while to get there, you're safe with me Amaya, you can trust me."

I started feeling drowsy watching the many trees pass by.

I closed my eyes gently, and I began to relax.

Is this...comfort? This...feels nice...

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