Yuki...Protect Her...Please

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"Sleep well?"

He had a calm and soothing voice.

I nodded gently, my eyes still focused on the ground.

He set me on his bed, the room looked like an apartment room.

"I know its small...I'm sorry, but I'm gonna get something bigger hopefully."

I look around.

"At least it's better than being in a school abandoned with the blood of your victims penetrating the air."

He sat beside me.

"Why did you live there?"

I look up at him calmly.

"I had nowhere else to go...I'm wanted, they probably will give me a death sentence...I know I'll get caught one day...I can feel it..."

He put his arms around me gently.

"You won't be found by anyone as long as you're with me, I'll protect you."

I suddenly felt...safe...

His warm touch soothed me with his deep and musical voice.

Then there was a loud knock at the door.

"I'll be right back."

He got up to answer the door, I heard a familiar voice that haunted my dreams.

"I believe that you may have someone...mentally unstable here...would you mind if I checked your apartment?"

I saw him try to come through the door, Yuki then tightened the grip on the door, making sure he didn't come in.

"Actually...I would mind."

"Why would that be? Don't you know it's dangerous?! She's not stable!"

"As if you would know!"

The doctor peeked through the door and saw me on the bed.


He had said my name in a growling voice.


Yuki was tense and protective sounding.

H-he found me...was...he following me?

"Sir, she's not stable at ALL, I need to take her back to the asylum to get her right."


"She's a killer she will kill you without mercy!"

"Then how am I still alive?"

The doctor froze, he looked as if he were thinking it all over.

"Good bye, now leave us alone."

Just before he could close the door, the doctor was filled with anger, prying the door open.

I saw Yuki struggling, I rushed beside him.

"Do you need help Yuki?"

He nodded once.

I swiftly went to the crack of the door, I hit the doctor in his throat.

He fell to the ground coughing violently.

Yuki shut and locked the door, then turned towards me.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded once gently.

He breathed a breath of relief.

"Will he come in?"

He shook his head.

"If he does, he's got more than he could expect coming."

I looked at him a bit curiously as to what he might be meaning by that.

He looked at me with strange eyes that comforted me, took my wrist and placed it over his heart.

"You feel that Amaya?"

His heartbeat was fast and heavy.

I nodded.

"It never moved before I found you...I'll protect you Amaya, no one will hurt you...ever."

He wrapped his arms around me, I tensed slightly.

"Relax Amaya, just relax."

His voice was sweet and musical sounding.

Yuki...do you really care? I wonder...

"We gotta go find somewhere new to live...they already know where we are."

I looked up at him.

"Come on, I've got a friend."

He released his grip on me, putting one arm around my neck gently.

You care? Why? I'm just a killer...I took lives...I'm a monster...I'm nothing...

"Come on, lets go."

He grabbed my wrist gently and we headed out the apartment building.

You make me feel like I'm not a monster...like I'm not insane...Yuki...thank you so much...

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