Mission's and Sex

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"Ok it's a suit occasion." Louis said throwing the suit at me. I manage to catch it before it could hit me then I looked at it and frowned. "Why a suit?" I groaned out. I hated suits, they are always so itchy and uncomfortable.

"The girl only goes for fancy rich people so we are having you borrow my Tesla and impress her so we can rob her blind. She also has a girlfriend who is part of a different gang so we have to kill her."

"Is she bisexual?" I questioned while I rose my eyebrow. "Yeah she loves when you ask about her so she can brag so um do that." Louis said unsurly with a shrug.

I just nodded and he left and I got dressed. The suit was so weird and uncomfortable. That's why I hate suits, it just closes your body off so you cant move.

I walked downstairs uncomfortably and everyone stared at me and Stan whistled. "You look very handsome." Stan said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Thanks Stan." I laughed off.

Louis rolled his eyes at Stan then walked out the door. I got into the Tesla with Louis and everyone else went into the van. Louis didn't trust me with his Tesla so he wants to keep an eye on me.

"Are you going to finally tell me now?" Louis said as he just kept his eyes on the road. "Tell you what?" I replied quickly.

Louis huffed then looked at me. "You know what. The only way I can trust you is if you open up."

"I dont want to."

"Well if you want me to trust you, have a better room and a phone then you better start talking."

I looked at Louis and he was just looking at the road smiling. I turned on the radio and just listened to the music to ignore Louis.

He was quietly singing along and he actually sounded really good. I decided to sing with him but louder and he looked at me real quick then back at the road. Me and him got louder and louder to the point we were just belting out the song.

Sad to say we both sound good together, Louis even knew that. It's just the way our voices are almost made for each other.

When the song ended Louis took a glance at me and smiled. "Good to know you can sing."

"Well Sir, you didnt tell me you could sing either."

"You literally know nothing about me only my name, so why would I tell you I can sing." Louis said with an attitude. "I have a deal. If you open up to me I'll open up to you." I said with a smirk.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows in disgust and looked at me and sighed. He put his tesla in self drive mode knowing we still have hours until we get to our destination and he turned to face me.

"Alright deal. Now talk." Louis said gesturing his hand towards me. "So my favorite color is blue and I love to watch movies and-"

"Be serious you dickhead." Louis said angrily as he cut me off. "Well I dont fucking know what you want to know."

"What led to your decision to be the way you are now."

I huffed then rolled my eyes and looked into Louis eyes. They were a perfect shade of blue, you can easily get lost into them. Louis snapped his fingers and I snapped back into reality. "Sorry um well my parents put so much pressure on me to be perfect and I just felt so stressed so I thought drinking would take the edge off things. I got a fake ID and went out every night to get away from my parents."

Louis just sat there and nodded, he was actually a good listener so it made me want to talk more for some reason.

"I have been drinking since I was about to turn fifteen, I was pretty tall for my age so I looked older."

In Love With The Gang Leader. (L.S) **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now