Tuesday | 22nd, September

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A/N: the italicized and bold writing is in a different language (in this case, Japanese)

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Tuesday | 22nd, September

          What's going on, Diary...

Today was... normal. Very basic. Nothing exciting or out of the normal happened. It was quite relaxing, to be honest. 

Now that I'm done lying to no one is particular...


So I woke up, right? Wrong. Just kidding, it's right. I brushed my teeth and showered and everything to get ready for school. Then my precious mother tells me that school was cancelled because of some... unknown?... reason. Yeah. I woke up at fucking 6 AM, just to be told that hell- school was cancelled. Just... amazing. That was half sarcasm and half me actually meaning what I say... write? Anyways, I couldn't go back to sleep so I ate (obviously it's the only thing I know how to do when I can't sleep. (leave me the fuck alone). Instead of getting into details right now, I'll just begin telling the tale of my wonderfully weird day.

So all that shit I wrote before happened (all that waking up and eating stuff). While I was eating, my mom decided to talk about me in Japanese right in front of me. I don't even... okay. It's the end of the day right now and I still don't have a clue why she decided to do that. She kept saying that she won...

"...der if he likes that handsome boy."

I cleared my throat loudly. For the second time. My mom turned her head to face me and smiled innocently.

"Yes, Scoot?"

"You- you realize I can understand you, right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. She didn't stop smiling and just nodded.

"Mhm... okay? Well, why not just ask me directly if you're gonna talk about me in front of me anyways?" I asked next, still very confused.

"Do you like that handsome boy that dropped you off yesterday?" she asked immediately. My jaw dropped. I didn't know she was actually gonna ask me. And even if I expected it, I definitely wouldn't have expected her to be so straightforward and blunt about it.

"No! I'm not even- what? I'm not even into guys like that!" I exclaimed. Unbelievable.

"Aw, Sukotto-kun! I'd still love you whether you like it in the butt or not! You don't have to hide this from me!" she cooed. My face flushed bright red in embarrassment.


"But don't forget to use condoms! You know STDs are common these days. All those irresponsible boys..."


"I'm making tofu miso soup. Wanna try it?"

"I don't want to try the miso soup. I want you to tell me what made me seem ga-" I tried saying, habitually switching languages.

"Open! Ahhh!"

I pushed her hand which was holding a soup spoon away from my face.

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