Monday | 28th, September

111 6 7

A/N: the italicized and bold writing is in a different language (in this case, Japanese)

sorry for being late!
seriously, it means so much to me! ❤️

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Monday | 28th, September

          Aw geez, Diary...

Oo that rhymed. Anyways, today was a good day, I think. Mostly. I'm not gonna get into the details right now. You'll read them later. The show was really cool.

Today, I woke up early and ate a piece of toast for breakfast after getting ready for the day. I threw on a pair of black jeans and a yellow t shirt. No, it's not the one London gave me (Yes, he gave them to me. yay free clothes). I slipped into my snea...

...kers and began walking. I wasn't planning on waking up super early, but since I did, I figured I'd walk to school. It was a nice day as well. Not too cold, not too hot. I made it to the building a while later and made my way into the school. Christian was still absent. I had texted him earlier, but received no answer. Maybe I'll pick up some cake pops for him when I'm working on tomorrow. I've had a lot of thoughts lately about various things. Most of them were about Elias. At least I get a free ticket to Kepper Blue's show today. So that's good.

"Hey, you're early," Blake said, walking up to me. I was sitting under his locker.

"Yeah. I woke up early so I walked. How's it going?" I asked him. He shrugged with a smile. I smirked, standing up and fist bumping his shoulder.

"Things going well with Ryyyan?" I sang.

"Stop, man," he smiled, swaying back and forth. We laughed.

"Got a new drawing up your sleeve?" I asked, changing the subject. He nodded, eyes lighting up. Reaching into his bag, he pulled a folder out and shuffled through the paper before choosing one and pulling it out. He handed it to me.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. It was a realistic looking tree. "This is super good, dude!"

"Thanks, Scott. I think it'll turn out great when I'm done with it. I'm watercolor painting it."

"That'd look so good," I agreed, handing the drawing back. He tucked it back into the folder and slid the folder into his bag again. We had first period together, so we began walking towards the classroom. I get to go to London's concert today. That's something to look forward to. I should be excited for London, not stressed over Elias. It feels so weird not being single. I do feel a little guilty dating Elias with no attraction to him. I mean, he's hot, but I don't feel any romantic attraction to him, right? (honey, if you have to ask yourself- -author)

"Let's go, bro!" Blake shouted, interrupting my thoughts. "You okay, man? You're spacey."

I waved his hand away from my face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry."

I looked up. We'd made it to our classroom. Blake pushed the door open and I followed him into the room. Surprisingly, our teacher was already there.

"Hello, boys, you two are early," he stated. I nodded. Yeah, no shit.

"Feel free to have a seat," he said, gesturing to the room of empty chairs. I shot him a forced smile and took a seat in my normal spot while Blake took Christian's usual.

"Yo, you know where Christians been at?" Blake asked. I shrugged.

"No... I'm worried about him. He's never ignored my texts or calls before unless it was super urgent," I responded, turning to face the other boy. He shrugged.

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