Friday | 25th, September

106 8 2

A/N: the italicized and bold writing is in a different language (in this case, Japanese)

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Friday | 25th, September

Diary, I am now addressing you...

So today was... interesting to say the least. Remember Kepper Blue? Yeah. He messaged me saying I had to meet his parent. Today. Wonderful, right? I mean, I scored a famous, probably rich, hot, good looking guy, right? But I'm not gay so this was very awkward. I'm actually in his house while writing this. You'll see what I mean when I write it down, but onto a different, better note, I had work today and I got to hang out with Leo, Ryan, Blake, and Elias before I went.

Just like everyday, I woke up. Unlike everyday, I woke up cuddling with another person. Yeah. It was Elias. Remember? He slept over and- never mind. If you don't remember, go back and read page 8 again. You probably missed it because your brain is so small. Wait, I think I just insulted myself... anyways. So I was calm and cool and was like "bro. why a...

"...HHHHHHHHHHH," I very unmanily screamed, tumbling onto my fuzzy rug.

"Huh? What?" Elias mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his sleepy eyes. I scooted back against my closet door.

"S-stranger fucking danger!" I yelled. He stared at me like I was stupid. Oh wait, I am. "Oh, it's just you. Why are you in my bed?"

I paused before coming to a realization.

"Did we...?"

"Huh? No! God, no! No, no, no!" he said, waving his arms about.

"Hey! It's not that repulsing to have sex with me!" I defended myself, not offended.

"How would you know?" he explained. I thought for a moment and shrugged.

"Hey, you're coming to my school today, right?" I asked, getting up and entering my closet. I grabbed a beige hoodie with "baka" embroidered on the front and pulled it on along with baggy, blue jeans and socks. I grabbed a puffy, jock jacket that read "I'm not athletic. This is fake" where a school's name was supposed to go and a pair of oversized sweatpants.


"Here," I said, tossing the clothes to Elias to change into. He went into my closet and came out wearing what I'd picked out. I smiled proudly. My fashion sense is on point!

"Why do you have a varsity jacket?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Liked it, but I didn't play anything so I got a fake one. I'm so cool."

"Uh huh. Very," he said rolling his eyes. "I'm tired."

"Sleepy," I corrected. "The word 'sleepy' is so much adorable than 'tired'. We should just change it permanently."

"Well, I'm so sleepy of hearing you spew on about stupid things. I'm hungry. I want food," he said grumpily.

"Okay mr. grumpy pants," I mumbled. He followed me downstairs where my mom had a big breakfast prepared.

"Pancakes!" I yelled, sitting down and scooping a couple of them onto my plate.

"Scoot! Wait for Elias to get his first!" she scolded. I scoffed and stuffed a pancake into my mouth.

"Sorry..." I murmured. She smiled at me, then Elias, gesturing for him to help himself.

"Help yourself!" she said. My narrating is so good.

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