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"You can turn here," I said pointing to the side of the curb. The last thing I wanted was to draw attention to Nathan's car from any of the neighbors.

"You sure?" He asked confused.

"Ya, I'm positive. Thanks again for the ride."

"Ok, well text me later."

I looked at him funny, "How can I text you, I don't have your phone number."

"Ya you do, I put it in when you weren't looking," he said with a grin.

"Seriously? When?" I asked shocked. How did that little- but before he could give me a straight answer, he replied, "I know, I'm awesome."

I rolled my eyes, "What am I going to do with you?"

"Oh I could think of a few things," he said with a wink.

My mouth gaped open, "Not in a million years Sykes."

I got out of the car and started to walk away.

"You will someday Mattsfield," he called before driving away.

I looked back at him, shook my head and watched his tail lights disappear down the street.

I walked through the neighborhood, down to my house three houses away from where I had Nathan drop me off. Christmas decorations littered the corner neighbors yard like a yard sale, while some of our other neighbors had their trees and houses decorated tastefully with twinkle and icicle lights. We didn't even bother decorating anymore, seemed to be no reason to celebrate since our happy times were long gone.

I reflected on the strange turn of events today. The noises in the woods, seeing the golden eyes, was I finally losing it? Then there was my fainting spell and literally falling into Nathan's arms, who happened to have golden eyes... I shook my head at the thought of him. Nathan Sykes, science tutor and charmer. I laughed out loud, wow that boy was bold. And then, there was the voice in my head. While most people would freak out if they were having 2-way conversations inside their head - I was strangely unafraid. Huh, maybe I was going crazy.

When I finally walked in the house, I immediately smelled cigarette smoke.

Damn, he's home already.

Thankfully there was no sign of my dad. He was probably in the den watching TV. I rummaged through the kitchen and stockpiled some things to eat. It was Thursday night and he usually had his friends over to play cards. Which also meant lots of drinking. I learned that my best defense was to stay out of their way the rest of the night.

Fricken bastard.

I took everything upstairs to my room and locked the door. I threw my bag on the bed and changed into some comfortable clothes. I looked in the mirror again, my bruises were still there but seemed to be fading a bit. My eyes wandered to a picture on my desk. It was a picture of me, Logan, and my mom. I traced my finger over my mom's face.

Mom, I miss you so much! Why did you have to go? I wiped a tear that fell from my face.

I heard a buzzing sound and jumped on my bed to rummage through my bag to find my phone. There were two new messages.

From: Sisters4-Ever (Kelsey)

Hey gurl where have you been? You weren't by your locker? I had to get home to pack so.....sorry for ditching you did you get home ok??? I can still pick you up if you need a ride?

The other was from Nathan?

From: NathanSexySykes;)

Hey, when do you want to get together for tutoring? Over winter break or maybe this weekend if you want? My place?

Strange Happenings {Nathan Sykes}Where stories live. Discover now