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  • Dedicated to Nathan Sykes

"It's going to be just fine love," Nathan assured me for the 100th time, "you look beautiful."

I sat next to him in his truck looking in the small passenger visor mirror fighting with my hair which happened to be frizzier than usual.

"I just want to make a good impression, that's all," I said worriedly as I gave up and tied my hair in a loose ponytail.

"Mum is going to love you just the way you are, like I do," Nathan said reaching over and touching my shoulder.

I looked over at him. He flashed one of his gorgeous smiles at me which made me melt and temporarily put my nerves at ease. Nathan Sykes, my boyfriend!

After our amazing first kiss I realized I was in love with him. In love with a vampire! And he loved me too which filled the empty hole in my heart that had been vacant for so long. I was finally happy. Happy to know that I could love someone again, happy that I had someone I could count on, happy that he would be there to protect me always.

We turned into a gated community in town. "We're here," Nathan smiled and pulled into one of the driveways leading to a beautiful townhome. I took a deep breath and Nathan squeezed my hand.

The moment Nathan turned off the ignition, a blonde girl came bounding out of the front door.

"Jess!" Nathan hugged his little sister and spun her around.

"Nathan!" She shrieked and kissed him on the cheek. Jess looked exactly like Nathan. She walked to the other side of the truck where I stood watching them.

"Crystal, this is my sister Jess," Nathan said."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I said extending my hand to her.

Jess ignored my hand and instead gave me a huge hug, "I've heard so much about you - Nathan has been talking non-stop about you since the moment we moved to town."

I looked at Nathan who just shrugged and smiled.

"Come on, mum can't wait to meet you too!" Jess exclaimed. She grabbed my hand and practically dragged me running in the house.

"Mum!" Jess called, "Mum, they're here!"

An older version of Jess came out of the kitchen. She smiled as she gave me a hug, "Hello my dear! You must be Crystal!"

Nathan finally caught up to us, "Crystal, this is my mum Karen."

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said hugging her back.

"Oh Nathan she is very pretty!" Karen said as she looked at me. I couldn't help but blush.

"Thanks," I said.

"Would you like a cookie? I just finished baking them," as she turned back into the kitchen without waiting for my reply. Jess followed her.

Before I could join them, Nathan came up behind me and hugged me, "See, I told you she would love you."

I turned around in his arms and smiled, "I see you've been saying lot behind my back, huh?"

He gave me a quick kiss, "Only good things love, only good things."

We spent the rest of the afternoon visiting with his mom and sister who weren't shy of teasing Nathan in front of me. It wasn't until his mom brought out the old photo albums that Nathan rolled his eyes and left the room sighing.

Since Nathan was technically 250+ years old, the pictures were old, most in black in white. I carefully paged through them. It was interesting to see the different changes through the years, the clothing, buildings, the new inventions throughout time. Yet his entire family stayed the same, frozen in time as the world changed around them. There were even some of pictures of his dad. I suddenly felt sad. It brought back memories of my mom. I was reminded how quickly things can change and how they can never be reversed.

Strange Happenings {Nathan Sykes}Where stories live. Discover now