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*Next morning*

I woke up to the smell of cigarette smoke that made its way up the stairs from down below. I put a towel under the door to block it off.

I looked at my hand. I wasn't sure what my dad would do if he saw me all bandaged up. So I decided to take off the dressing. My hand was purple and swollen, but I could move it a little bit. I was still a little mad at Nathan. I wouldn't have to be going through this right now if it wasn't for him and his stupid bold move.

I walked to my window to open it a crack. It looked like another inch of snow fell during the night. I decided that I probably should make my way downstairs and go through the typical weekend routine. My dad expected me to clean up the house and do chores. Considering that it snowed out, I was also expected to shovel the driveway and sidewalk too. I had planned to pick up food from the grocery store later. I usually did this by myself, unless my dad needed to make a liquor run then he would accompany me.

My dad came out of the den as I was busy wiping down the kitchen countertops. I looked at him. He looked old and tired. The drinking and smoking made him look at least 10 years older than what he was. He didn't say much to me at all except a reminder to get going on the driveway shoveling.

I went back upstairs to get dressed and re-bandaged my hand. I took a peek at my phone. I didn't have any messages. Which surprised me a little. I knew I probably wouldn't hear much from Kells since she was on vacation. But the way Nathan was acting, all persistent, I thought for sure he would be checking in on me. He must have heeded my warning of leaving me alone for awhile.

After I finished the driveway I went back in the house to grab my phone and wallet. I told my dad I was off to the store and he just nodded not taking his eyes off the TV. The little corner store was only a few blocks away. It was a good place to pick up a few things if you're not looking for much of a variety. Once in awhile I would get a ride from Kelsey and we would go to Cub Foods for the more fresher things like produce and meat. But with her out of town for the next few weeks, the little corner store would have to do. The place was busier than usual as people were picking up some last minute things before the holidays. Silent Night played overhead as I paid for my stuff and bundled up ready for the hike back home. As I headed for the exit, Nathan happened to walk inside.

"Hey there Crystal," he said.

"Hi," not knowing what else to say. I shuffled the weight of the groceries from one arm to the other.

"Here let me help you with that," he stated reaching for one of the bags.

I pulled back, "No, I got it, but thanks anyway."

"Crystal you don't have to do everything on your own. Let me help you," he looked at me with his golden eyes.

I was about to give a sarcastic reply about how he helped me enough from last night, but noticed other customers were watching.

He said, "I'm here to get some soda, so if you can wait a sec I'll give you a ride home, ok?"

I reluctantly nodded my head and set my bags down until he returned. He paid for a 12 pack of Coca Cola and then grabbed my two bags in one arm. "Come on love," he said holding the door open with his shoulder.

I walked out with him to his truck and he shut my door. After he climbed in I said, "You can't come near my house today, my dad is home."

"Got it," he replied.

After a few moments of silence, he asked me, "Are you still upset with me?"

I looked at him, "Maybe."

"Well a maybe is better than a yes," he said hopeful, "So... do you think we could still hang out later?"

I sighed, "Why do you keep wanting to hang out? I've never met someone so unrelenting!"

Nathan laughed, "Well first of all, we do need to tutor and study. Second, I'm used to getting my way. And third, I told you, I want to be your friend."

"And I told you, things are a little complicated. My dad doesn't like you, so I'm not even sure how I can get away," I said.

"What if you snuck out?" Nathan suggested.

But I shook my head frantically, "Ah no, not a good idea especially if I get caught."

"What if I snuck in?"

My mouth gaped open, "Are you crazy? That would probably be even worse!"

"Ok, ok. How about a tiny white lie telling him you're going over to Kelsey's house?" he proposed.

I shrugged. It might work, my dad didn't know Kelsey's family was on vacation. "Ok, I'll tell him that. But let's not get together until tomorrow ok? Where should I meet you?"

He pulled the truck over at the corner to drop me off. "How about right here at Noon."

I grabbed my bags ready to climb out, "Ok, I'll text you if something comes up. Thanks for the ride."

Nathan smiled, "See you tomorrow!"

I made my way back to my house with the groceries and practiced my lie.

The next morning I told my dad that I was going to hang out with Kelsey for the day to work on homework we were given over winter break. I held my breath to see if he saw through my lie. But he just said it was fine as long as I was home by 8:00 pm. I grabbed my bookbag and headed out the door to the street corner. Nathan was waiting with a big grin on his face. Oh the smug arrogant Nathan was back.

We ended up going to a small café in town and parked ourselves in a quiet corner booth. We spent most of the time on science homework and how we were going to approach our project. But we also talked a little about ourselves. I discovered his dad died when he was a young boy. His mom remarried but his stepfather recently passed away in a freak accident. He moved here with his mom and sister after the funeral needing a fresh change of scenery. His mom and sister had their own place in town, but he actually lived with his roommate friends in a different house. I in turn told him about my mom and her accident. But I didn't mention anything about Luke.

After learning more about Nathan and listening to his similar tragic background, I decided to let my guard down a little. Kelsey's advice of "keeping an open mind" resonated in my head. Maybe this guy wasn't too bad, just had a rough life like me.

The waitress in the café kept looking at us. Well, kept looking at Nathan. She was obviously watching him and trying to get his attention when she could. I just rolled my eyes and ignored her. But when Nathan started to playfully flirt back with her I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Ok, I think we're done now," I said slamming a book with my good hand, "Let's call it a night."

Geez, just when I think the guy is ok, he goes and acts like a jerk right in front of me.

Well it's not like you're dating him, he is a single guy.

No, but... it's rude and I want no part of it.

Could it be a little bit of jealousy? Oh you like him don't you?

"What?! No way!" I said out loud.

Nathan looked at me confused, "What is 'no way'?"

I covered my mouth, and tried to come up with something, "Sorry. I guess... I mean... I just realized I forgot to do something at home. Yeah, so I better get back to do it quick before my dad gets mad." I continued to stuff things in my bag refusing to look at him.

While driving back to my neighborhood, Nathan commented, "I just can't get over how incredibly nice the people are here in town." I rolled my eyes, my blood boiling thinking about that skanky waitress again in the café. It was dark, but I could swear he was smiling.

Pulling up to the corner, he said, "I think we have a great start to our project, should we meet again tomorrow?"

Since my dad worked days it would be easier to have Nathan over when he was away at work. As if he could read my mind, Nathan said, "I'll be at your house tomorrow morning after your dad leaves."

I opened the door, "Ok, sounds good."

Nathan winked at me, "Thanks for a good time. Sweet dreams love!"


Nathan James Sykes.

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