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I woke up and momentarily forgot where I was. But noticing the bright early morning sun through the panoramic view from Nathan's windows I eased back against the headboard and took in the view. I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I called.

Nathan walked in the room with a breakfast tray with orange juice, waffles, and fruit.

"Good morning love, how are you feeling?"

I stretched, "Great, actually. I slept like a baby. Where did you sleep last night?"

He looked at me coyly, "Oh, I was in the room here with you. I thought you slept well, you looked peaceful."

"You were watching me sleep?" as I took a bite of waffle.

Nathan laughed, "Yeah, is that ok?"

"Seems kind of creepy actually," I replied.

Nathan just laughed again, "So, what should we do today?"

"I probably should go visit my dad again," I said, "and I guess we need to finish our project too, right?"

"Yeah, we only have a little bit to go. I'll drive you to the hospital whenever you're ready."

"Ok, we can leave after I take a quick shower," I said finishing up my juice.

"Well I can definitely help you with that too if you want..." Nathan said.

I nearly spat my juice out, "Yeah right! I think I can handle it just fine, Sykes."

Nathan just laughed again as he took my breakfast tray and shut the door so I could get ready.

I stepped out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. My bruises and cuts had finally cleared up. The scars were still there and probably would be for the rest of my life. Could it really be possible to live a normal life again? I threw on an outfit from the clothes I bought yesterday and made my way downstairs.

Nathan was leaning up against the couch waiting. He smiled at me as I came down to the first floor, "You look absolutely beautiful today."

"Thanks," I said looking away.

"We can go if you're ready," he said as he offered me my coat.

We hopped in his truck and drove to town.


"I actually need to run a quick errand and then I'll be right back here to meet you," Nathan said as we pulled up to Regions.

"Okay, I'll text you if anything comes up," I said as I shut the door. I walked to the 3rd floor to the room my dad was in. He was sleeping. According to the doctors and nurses he had been in and out of consciousness since I left him last. If anything, his body was starting to go through alcohol withdrawal which made the recovery process that much more painful. I sat on the couch flipping channels on TV not really knowing what else I should do. Hours passed and Nathan hadn't returned yet.

I wonder what he's doing or where he went?

I thought about texting him but then thought better of it.

If I text him, he would think I miss him. I would never hear the end of it then!

More hours passed, my dad didn't wake and Nathan still hadn't showed up. It was almost 5:00 p.m. when I finally got a text from Nathan.

From: NathanSexySykes;)

Sorry about the delay, on my way now if you're ready.

To: NathanSexySykes;)

Strange Happenings {Nathan Sykes}Where stories live. Discover now