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  • Dedicated to My Mom!


My eyes fluttered open, the one area on my body that didn’t seem to ache. Nathan was gone. My body was still sore and I got up stiffly and listened at my door. I didn’t hear any movement downstairs, so I quietly went to the bathroom for some pain medication. After swallowing three Advil, I crept down to the kitchen to get something to eat. Before heading back upstairs, I paused. It was really quiet in the house. Too quiet. Usually I could hear my dad’s drunken snoring but nothing stirred in the house at all. I peeked out of the window. My dad’s truck wasn’t in the driveway. Did he not come home at all last night?

Probably ended up at a friend’s house.

I took my cereal and went upstairs. Grabbing my phone I noticed I missed two phone calls.

Probably Nathan checking in on me.

Instead of calling him back right away I finished breakfast and went back to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower to help my body aches. I got dressed and prepared to do my weekend chores. I checked my phone again, another missed call.

I better call Nathan back before he shows up at my door.

But looking again I realized I didn’t recognize the number, it wasn’t Nathan after all. I had a voicemail so I listened to it.

A male voice said, “Miss Mattsfield, this is officer Mike Dirks from the Ramsey County Sheriff’s department. When you have a chance, please give us a call back. It’s about your father.”

The police? I suddenly felt anxious. What happened? I quickly dialed the number and asked for Mr. Dirks, “What happened? What about my father?”

Office Dirks spoke slowly, “Miss Mattsfield sometime during the early morning hours, we deduced that your dad was making his way home from Sandy’s Bar last night. But before he made it home, it looks like he had hit an animal of some kind. His car was found in the ditch with a pretty deep dent in the front bumper. Another motorist noticed the car and dialed 911. It seems your dad was not wearing his seatbelt so he’s in pretty bad shape. If you want to meet us down at Regions we can talk further.”

I tried to piece it all together. “I’ll be there as soon as I can,” I managed to say and hung up. As I applied make up to my bruises and scars, mixed feelings ran through my mind. The bastard deserves what he gets, fricken idiot. But at the same time, he was my father. He was the only parent I had left.

As I pulled on my boots I called Nathan quickly and explained to him what happened.

“Are you going to be ok love?” Nathan asked looking at me while driving to the hospital.

I just nodded and looked out the window.

The asshole deserved what he got.

I know... All I ever wanted was a way to get away from him, but...

He was hurting you, you could’ve been killed.

I’m not sure how to feel right now. After all, he is still my dad.

Nathan walked me in the door and then waited in the lobby so I could have a moment alone. I peeked into my dad’s hospital room. Tubes and wires were hooked up to him. I flinched at the sight. His head was bandaged, face bruised. Both of his arms were in slings, his legs propped up and secured with splints. He was sleeping. I quietly went to his side.

I heard a knock at the door and a dark haired man around 40 entered the room. He was wearing a sheriff’s uniform.

“You must be Crystal Mattsfield. I’m Officer Mike Dirks.”

I shook his hand, “Is he going to be ok?”

“He’s stable right now. But that was a pretty bad accident. In fact I’m surprised he survived. He had multiple lacerations to the head and across his chest, both arms were broken.”

I winced as he described the details.

“I understand you are the only next living kin, correct?” Officer Dirks asked.

“Well, I have a brother named Logan, but I’m not sure where he is. We haven’t seen him for over a year,” I replied.

“Ok, well I believe we notified all of the appropriate people then. There is some paperwork I will need for you to complete for me,” as he handed me a clipboard.

As I finished up the paperwork, nurses and doctors came and went. Nathan joined me in the room since my dad was sleeping. He handed me a sandwich and a fresh cup of hot chocolate. I smiled, “Thanks.” and blew into the cup. Hours went by, but my dad still did not wake up. Again I struggled with my feelings. I hated him so much, yet he looked like the dad I once knew lying there helpless.

7:00 pm.

As I was flipping through channels on TV I heard some groaning. My dad was starting to wake. I slowly went to his side. His eyes focused on me and blinked a few times. “Crystal? Baby?”

“I’m right here dad,” I said softly.

“I need a beer,” he said closing his eyes.

I laughed, “I don’t think the nurses will allow that, dad.”

He smiled, and then opened his eyes again, gingerly turning his head to survey the room. His eyes rested on Nathan who was standing in the corner allowing us a quiet moment. As soon as he saw him, the beeping on his heart monitor skyrocketed. His breaths came fast and his eyes went wide. “You!” my dad screamed.

I quickly turned to Nathan, “Nathan! Quick leave!”

Nathan left and I turned back to my dad. But his eyes were now closed, his breathing slowing by the second and the heart monitor finally back at a normal pace. I looked at my dad. I had expected him to be upset at seeing Nathan since he hated him so much. But it wasn’t hate that I saw in my dad’s eyes. It was fear. Pure fear.

“Are you ok?” Nathan asked me when I joined him in the hall.

“Ya. I think I’m ready to go home now. I have to make some more phone calls. The doctors say he’ll be in the hospital for at least three weeks,” I said trying not to worry about who would take care of the bills in his absence.

“Ok love, I’ll take you home,” Nathan said as he pulled me close.

Nathan dropped me off in my driveway at home, “Are you going to be ok all by yourself? Maybe I should stay here with you.”

I shook my head no, “I’ll be ok really. I have some things to do.”

“Are you absolutely sure? You could even stay at my place so you’re not alone.”

“Thanks Nathan, but I’ll be fine. I’ll text you later if something comes up,” and I closed the truck door.

The house still had the faint odor of cigarette smoke from the night before. I sighed at the work I had ahead of me. I looked around the house for my dad’s contact info and proceeded to write names and numbers of people I had to call. It was eerie how quiet the house was. And I couldn’t shake the feeling like I was being watched. So I shut all of the blinds and turned on all the lights.

Soon it was near midnight and I was exhausted from the days’ events. I brushed my teeth and headed to bed.



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