Sunday Morning || 01

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- sophia kim -

It was a gloomy Sunday morning. And how unlucky am I to have forgotten my umbrella. I've been fastening up my pace, hoping to arrive by the convenience store as fast as I could.

The convenience store is a bit further away and I really hope I'd make it there. There's no cab around here, which make it even harder. I can't be late for work omg.

But guess what, my day just got worst omg.

It started on raining cats and dogs. I can't use my bag to cover my head since there are some clothes that my colleague lend, my phone, my wallet. So I pretty much have to protect the bag and NOT myself. Just my luck.

I then spotted a big tree in the park so I decided to take cover under there for now.

Just my luck huh ? I'm soaking wet from the rain.

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