Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up this morning and changed into a my robes and uniform then ran down stairs to see Draco, Crabbe, Goyell and Blaise. Draco looked over at me and smiled. My face still had some pretty bad bruises, but I seemed to rock it.

As I walked to the Common room many people stopped and looked at my face completely dismayed. There were so many people whispering I could hardly pick out one voice individually.

Draco walked over to me and grabbed my hand, intertwined his hand in mine as he walked me down the rest of the steps.

Blaise looked to my face and gasped as I took a step back.

"When did this happen?" He asked shocked. Draco looked to the floor as did Crabbe and Goyall. I knew he was talking about the bruises.

"Last night, when you were just snoring away!" Draco said angry. I looked down at his hand then pulled away. Draco looked hurt,"What are you doing?"

"It's not his fault, Draco. You would have been asleep too if I didn't scream for help," I said putting my hands on my hips, "the only one you should be mad at is Parkinson for jinxing Crabbe and Goyall, and threatening me."

"But he should've woke up-" He asked.

"Draco," I said," it's not his fault."

"Fine," he said as he looked at me with a disappointed face. "What do I need to do?" He asked smiling at me.

"First apologize to Blaise," I said as Draco's smile faded to a frown.


"You know, when you say I'm sorry for the things you've done. Since they could be rude and-"

"I know what apologizing is," he sighed. He walked to Blaise who was now sitting on the couch. He tapped his fingers on his lap. You could tell the anger built up in him. Draco said a few words as Blaise shrugged it off. A few minutes later Draco walked to me and looked to my bruises. He hugged me as I hugged back awkwardly.  This was odd. Once he let me go, I got to see his eyes. His eyes the pretty greyish blue. They were the most beautiful color I had ever seen in my life.

"Well, come on Draco, lets go to class," Blaise interrupted as I stiffened.

"But you never wanna go to class," Draco snapped.

"Yeah- but I don't wanna- get in trouble with- F-Filtwick?" He said as if he was making the whole thing up. I let out a snort and looked to him.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked as he shook his head.

"Parkinson, she's staring, its unflattering and very-- obnoxious."

"Fine!" Draco said as he turned around and winked at me,"come on." I looked behind me to see Parkinson with an eyebrow raised, a side popped out, and her arms crossed.

"Hey Noves," he winked," don't forget you have that thing with Flint after Filtwick's class."

"Thanks for reminding me. Maybe I'll find out what Quidditch is," I said as he shook his head.

"Usually you'd be the one to just look it up," said Blaise,"I've seen you with all those books, they hold you back."

I heard someone clear their throat behinde me. I turned to see a familiar face that I always loved seeing.

"Hiya Harry," I waved as I letting go of Draco's hand. Harry looked at my face as his fist clinched he walked to me and pushed Draco away to look at my face.


"Parkinson jinxed Crabbe and Goyall," Draco said as I looked back to Harry.

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