Chapter Two

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While asleep that night I dreamt of a boy. A boy with untidy black hair, he had bright green eyes that were hidden by his rounded glasses, and a lightning bolt-shaped scar on his forehead almost like mine. He looked rather small and skinny for his age, had a thin face, and knobbly knees. This boy, he knew me. He walked to me and hugged me. I could barely make out what he said but I did hear him mumble, "soon."

It was strange, never have I ever seen that boy before. It seemed too real to even be a dream though.

Before I knew it it was the day before my birthday. Mary had been avoiding me for some odd reason, I didn't understand what she wanted me to do. I was starting to get scared on whether I was going to Hogwarts or not.

This Hagrid could have been told not to come and pick me up or something, I hadn't had the simplest clue.

The day had gone by making it closer and closer to my birthday but I didn't show it to anyone else.

I started my typical afternoon and got ready for the day. I began to wash dishes and make my dinner. I was going to sit outside today. There was a slight overcast but it seemed beautiful. It was just sunset so the sky was a simple pink and orange. The clouds looked as if they were painted on the horizon. I took in a deep breath and enjoyed the scenery.

The trees blew in the wind as the slight howl of the wind came and tickled my face.

I finally went back inside to hear a loud knock on the door. A loud, dreadful, scary knock. The person knocking on the door was trying to knock down the door, I'm guessing.

The door, knowing it's limits, busted down. I ran to the living room and hid behind the mantle. I could barely see who was at the door. Just a figure of a tall man with black hair and a black beard at the door.

"Nova?" The man said. I bit my lip as I heard someone walk down the steps and scream.

"Don' scream Nova, it's jus' me, Rubius Hagrid, gatekeeper of Hogwarts! Mary tells me yeh were awaitin' me, you didn' answer the door, so I just came in!"

"I-I'm not, her," Emily replied. He thought I was Emily? I peered out to try and see a figure of the man. Emily looked so frightened and she had the perfect reason. Half giant, he was nothing shy of that, he must had been asked by everyone on his way here how tall he was. Then I decided to walk out from where I was hiding.

"I'm Nova," I said. I took in a deep breath. He was so tall and intimidating at the most.

"I'm here to take yeh off to Hogwarts," he said as I bit my lip.

"B-But you're early, I-I'm not supposed to leave for another- I'm not even packed."

"Why you didn't pack? Surely you know who else-"

"She doesn't know!" Mary shouted, "P-Professor Dumbledores orders when she arrived at our doorstep."

"I-I arrived at your doorstep?" I muttered," I thought you just adopted me, but didn't actually take legally."

"After your parents were murdered-"

"My parents were murdered?" I yelled.

"Why else did you think you were here?"

"I-I thought they gave me up. I-I didn't know."

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