Chapter Seven

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We walked in a room that seemed to be the Great Hall. The ceiling showed the night sky. I gawked to hear Hermione name a fact about the ceiling. There were so many opportunities for me to draw here.

We walked in twos till the Professor stopped us in front of a chair and an old raggedy hat. I was standing in front of Draco, and behind Harry. I stood right next to Joy I heard her awe over all the colors in the sky, the both of us looked like nutters.

The hat was an ugly shade of brown. There were 4 long tables around my group. And on huge on in front of us that was clearly teachers only.

"Now before we begin Headmaster Dumbledore would like to say a few words," Professor McGonnagal said.

Dumbledore? The guy Mary told me about? This was the guy that separated Harry and I for so many years? Made me think I was alone?

A man with a large beard stood up," I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce." He took a pause. He was up in his years, he looked across the whole group of students in front of him. "The first years, please note: The dark forest is streaky forbidden to all students-" he said looking around taking a long pause.

"Also, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor is out of bounds to who does not wanna wish to die a painful death. Thank you," He said as he sat down.

"Before we start the hat will sing a song," said McGonagall.

The hat sings? What all can this hat do?

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find. A smarter hat than me.

"You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat. And I can cap them all.

"There's nothing hidden in your head. The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you. Where you ought to be.

"You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;

"You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true. And unafraid of toil," I looked to Joy, she seemed like a Hufflepuff. She was so very nice and kind.

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind;" I looked to Kris. This was her house. She was so intelligent, or so she seemed like it.

"Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means. To achieve their ends," I looked to Sydney. This was true. I thought hard about the four houses add what I was. I wanted friends. I had never had many friends living with Mary. I was the outcast.

"So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The hat finished as I looked to Joy. She was so excited she was shaking. In the end I hoped she got what she wanted.

"Now when I call your name, you will come forth and I will pace the Sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted in your houses,"McGonagall said I looked back at Draco, He smiled at me as I let out a short laugh and looked to Macey.

"Here goes nothing," I said as she grinned.

"I'm excited," she said looking back. She was so bubbly I loved Joy already.

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