Chapter Twenty-Five

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I heard a knock on the door as I sniffled and let out a,"decent!"

I saw Fred's head pop in and walk over to Neville's bed.

"How ya feeling?" He asked.

"Sick," I sighed and rolled over to face away from him. I didn't want company. I wanted to be alone. Which was pretty stupid considering if I wanted to be alone I'd be in the Slytherin common room. I just didn't want to risk seeing Draco.

"I know you love him," he sighed," you said you didn't last night, but I know you do."

"I don't love him," I mumbled.


"Fred, I don't like Draco!" I said as he sighed.

"You know, Nova. You shouldn't lie to anyone. Including me, I'm your best friend. I know you like a book. I possibly know what you're going to say before you say it."

"You're an-"

"An ignorant, arrogant asshole," he said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, you got me. I'm listening," I said.

"I know you love him. Sure he may be an arse, but he likes you too. And who knows maybe he could become helpful for you and your brother."

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that you haven't taken off his necklace yet," he smirked at me. I looked to my chest to see the necklace glowed. I shook my head.

"Okay, maybe it is a tiny little crush."

"Nova I-"

"Please stop Fred. I just need a friend. And some ice cream."

"Ice cream? I'll go get some, be back in a jiffy."

I giggled as he ran out and downstairs. In came Ron and Harry.

"So Fred told us what happened," Harry sighed and grabbed my hand. He didn't even know where to start, was it because I get him up? Because he kissed me in front of Fred? That I didn't stand for any of his crap? That I wanted to be free?

"Nova, you turned him down. You like him-" Ron started

"Liked, I don't want anything to do with him."


"Harry, Ron please!" I said letting out a tear," I like him, but I can't like him. He hates you Harry, he hates Ron. He picks on Hermione, and he cheated on me! He hates all my friends and sooner or later he will hate me!"

Ron hugged me. I let out a soft sob to hear a knock at the door. It cracked as Fred walked in grinning ear to ear.

I dried my face fast as he carried in three huge tubs.

"I'm back!"

"That was fast."

"Told you I'd be fast, I know all the short cuts!" Fred said as he put a tub of Rocky Road in front of me. The boys watched me while I ate and I tried not to make a mess.

"Thank you, you guys are the best," I smiled as they smiled back. Ron shrugged.

"Anyways, I have to get back to my room. Peeves saw me running back and is a matter of time before he tells a professor that I-"

"Mr. Weasley!" McGonagall called. She didn't seem to happy about it eitherZ

"Duty calls!" He said running out. I heard him laugh and run out the door, down the steps to professor McGonagall.

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