Chapter Twenty-Two

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It's been about three weeks since all the drama happened, three weeks since I played Ravenclaw and got the golden snitch, and three weeks since I kissed Fred.

Neither one of us had told our brothers though, in fear of what everyone would say.. Everything at Hogwarts has changed like the trees there are no more leaves. It's starting to get real cold here, it's been for a while.  Guessing our conditions I bet you'd say it's almost Christmas and when you'd say that you'd be right.

Today is the day that the whole school goes home for the holidays. Me, I wanna stay with my brother. I really didn't wish to go home to see Emily anyways. I got up and got dressed in my robes. Then ran to the great hall.

Like always my twin was sitting at a table with his best friend, Ron Weasley.  One of the professors behind them was putting up Christmas decorations. I noticed the beautiful Christmas tree at the end of the table, all in its green gold and silver. Harry and Ron sat there playing wizard chess, like always, I ran to side that Ron was at and sat next to him.

"Hi, fellas!" I said as I startled Ron. We were all getting close since the whole breakup. Seems like the trio accepted me more, saw I wasn't shallow and dated the bad guy just because he was a bad guy.

"Bloody Hell, Nova where'd you come from?"He asked.

"Interesting question, my mother," I said with a confused face. They both laughed as I noticed the chess board.

"So, Ronald any plans for your Holiday?" I asked.

"No, other than I'm staying here with Harry and you," he said as I took the oppertunity. "What about your brothers?"

"Percy and George want to go home, I don't know about Fred."

Just the news I wanted to hear. Fred and I had gotten closer over the time. We hung out all the time. He made me feel genuinely happy. I grinned and sat next to Ron as he moved his pieces.

"So your staying here?" Hermione came from behind us, a face full with disgust, "I'm going home with my family."

"I get to see my family this Christmas," I  smiled.

"So your going to find out about who  Nicholas Flimell is right?"She asked looking at Harry. He nodded. I looked at the board again to see that Harry's knight was on E-5, Ron could get him very easy. I smirked, as did Ron.

"Queen to E-5,"He said confidently. The queen quickly moved across the board to where she was supposed to got up grabbed the chair she was sitting on and hit Harry's knight.

"Oi, that outta hurt!" I said.

"That is totally barbaric!" She stated.

"That's wizard chess for you," Ron said I giggled at that.

"Well, you have to look!" Hermione said ruining the fun.

"Hermione! We've checked everywhere!" Ron stated.

"Not in the restricted section, Happy Christmas!" She smirked, winked at Harry and walked off.

"Did you know that Americans call it Merry Christmas?" I said trying to make them forget about Nicholas.

"Very well, I will see you all when I get back, and Nova?" Hermione said as I looked up to her.

"Yes, mum?" I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Make sure these two don't get themselves killed."

I stood up and saluted,"will do mum!"

Harry and Ron laughed as she huffed and walked off in a different direction.

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