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"Im used to being alone, however it weigh heavy sometimes." - Unknown

Daylight had begun to drained away. The temperature quickly went down as it still in the midst of winter season. While walking down the path, Hyunsuk watch the horizon slowly losing it colors, watching all the random people walking from and to different direction; the young man leisurely enjoy his walk to the convenience store. The snow pelted his face so he pulled up the collatlr of his thin coat- the only coat he has to further shield him from the cold weather.

In no time, he had arrived to the convenience store and he smoothly makes his way towards the ice-cream section. Now he knew that he should be getting himself a proper meal for his suppose dinner but the thing is, he is on tight budget right now. His apartment rent due is coming and he definitely doesn't want to end up homeless as his landlord is quite strict with paying rent. Not to forget that he has some materials needed to be bought for his assignment purposes hence he need to plan his budget properly since the next pay from his job is not until the end of the week.

With that, he can't afford to have a proper meal aside from instant noodles.

But because today he has been feeling dejected, ridicule by his own mindset, he decided to just eat a couple gallon of ice cream for dinner. Its his favorite thing aside from burger so he wants to cheer himself up a little with those sweet-silky creamy frozen food. He knew he could get in trouble again because he hide this from Asahi and Jaehyuk, but he doesn't want to burden the couple more with his problems.

Quick with making the payment, Hyunsuk walk down the path leading to the park to eat his ice cream. Now, who would have thought to eat gallons of ice cream in the middle of winter and out in the park even. Well, Hyunsuk doesn't care about what people will think of him but rather he care more about his thoughts earlier at the cafe.

Why does everyone around me seems so happy?

Can I finally able to experience what it feels like to be love?

Will I not feel alone anymore?

Those thoughts keeps haunting him, eating his conscience up leaving him thinking that maybe he doesn't deserve to be love or feel love at all. He must have been a hardcore sinner in his past lives and now, in this life is his karma. Despite that, Hyunsuk also believes that there is actually someone out there that is meant to be his. Meant to love him, meant to completes him and will be the one who showers him with all the love that he deserves.

Feeling like he is about to cry because in his view from the place where he is sitting, he could see couples who seems to be on a date, one joking around boisterously laughing while his boyfriend is looking at him endearingly with a happy smile on his face.

Averting his gaze from the couple, he then sees a family of three walking pass him also happily laughing. The child was on his father's shoulder while the mother playfully tickles her son causing an adorable sound of screeches. Both of the scene saddens Hyunsuk as it serve as a slap of reality as he thinks that there is absolutely no chance at all that he would ever be able to experience all that.

Such scene is as if mocking him foor being orphan, poor, lonely and that there is nobody for him.

At this point, tears has pools itself in his eyes. Not wanting to cry in public, he quickly look up to the sky to blink his tears away and then continue to eat his ice cream. Instead of feeling better, he ends up feeling more empty and dejected as he finished his ice cream and makes his way home after properly throws up the rubbish.

//At the same time//

A handsome young man exit out the restaurant in an annoyed mood. His already intimidating aura is heightened due to the foul mood that he's feeling currently. Despite that, the people still had their eyes on him as the young man is serving his looks to the people left and right. The annoyed man fished out his phone and dials up a number.

"Son! How was yo-" Before the woman could finish, the young man interrupted her.

"Mother. Please for the last time im begging you to stop this nonsense. I don't want to do this blind date thing anymore and this time its FINAL." The woman just sigh and proceeds to ask her son to come back home so that they could talk.

Putting his phone back into his pocket, the man decided to take a stroll on the nearby park to calm his emotions down before going home. The harsh winter wind makes him shiver slightly. As he makes his way down the path to the park, his thoughts replay the so called blind date that happen earlier to which causes his current bad mood.

So what had happened is that, the young man's mother had set him up to another blind date which he despises the most. At first he was actually okay with this idea because maybe he could find what people refer as a 'soulmate'; the one person whom will have his heart for the rest of his life. But who was he kidding, this blind date thing turns out to be the cause of his sour mood all the time.

From the very beginning, every person that his mother had set him up with all have the same motive. Now you see, being the son from a well-known and wealthy family had its cons more than its pros. Atleast that what he likes to believe.

With the wealth that they have, more often than not, it attracts unwanted people into their lives. This unwanted people is referring to the gold digging people whose only motive is wanting to associate with them for money, fame and social status. And that exactly the kind of people that the young man had to deal with in every blind dates. Hence why after this he will not agree to waste his time going to this blind dates. The boy knew that his mother only had good intentions of wanting his son to find his happiness and he did appreciate it greatly but he know going into blind dates will not help him in finding his soulmate. Maybe it will but he highly doubt that due to the kind of people he had to deal with.

As he walks the park's path, his gaze lands upon a figure sitting on one of the bench not too far from where he is standing. The young man frown upon seeing the figure eating gallons of ice cream. He finds it peculiar that the person is eating ice cream out in the park in this cold weather. He furrowed his brows even further as he sees that the person is actually shivering as the clothes he is wearing doesn't do justice in keeping the person warm. He observe the figure as he takes a few step ahead, not to close but close enough to see the other.

From his point of view, he could see and sense the melancholy feeling emmitting from the boy. How? Well all he knew that he is that kind of person- the person who is sensitive enough towards the surrounding and people. He joke to himself that he actually have superpower to which made him snort at his childish thought.

But back to the figure, seeing him in such emotions clearly visible through his actions and eyes saddens him. And with unknown reason, when he sees that the boy had a glimpse of tears in his eyes, he felt a tug in his heart almost as if urging him to approach the guy and engulf him in a comforting hug, to showers him with all the love possible. He sees the figure try to blink back his tears by looking up into the dark sky then quickly finish up his ice cream, throwing away the rubbish away and proceed to walk the path out from the park. His eyes continue to follow the boy figure's getting away from him until he disappear from his sight. He completely disregard the fact that his heart is actually beating like crazy and the feeling of a sudden longing when he's unable to see the boy's figure anymore.


Im starting this fully knowing that im having trouble with needing to invest time from my overly busy life :'(

But this is ain't about me so y'all have a fulfill day! Until next time.

The Way We Find Love // HOONSUKWhere stories live. Discover now