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"Time is one of the precious gifts you can give someone and it's one of the pillars of every relationship." - Unknown

For the remaining hours Hyunsuk have before his shift ends, he's busy taking orders and serving to customers.

All is normal except for the teasing glance and sly smirks both Asahi and Jaehyuk keeps giving him. He ignore the couple and just distract himself by being extra attentive towards the people inside the cafe. Observing if any of the customers needs his assistance.

While, Jihoon, true to his words waited for Hyunsuk to finish. Junkyu and Yoshi keep him company for the whole hours, of course with Junkyu being nosy about him and Hyunsuk to which Jihoon just keep quiet as he have nothing to explain to them atleast for the time being.

Both Jihoon and Hyunsuk just met once and thats that. What is there to talk about right.

When the clock strikes at five, Hyunsuk went to the staff area to get change and collect his belonging. As he were about to put on a coat, he is then reminded that it was Jihoon's. Yes, Hyunsuk has been wearing Jihoon's coat everyday since their last meeting.

Hyunsuk admit that he is getting addicted to the scent from the coat- Jihoon's scent. The minty mix vanilla scent always calms Hyunsuk down and never fail to warm up his heart as whenever he wears the coat, he is reminded of that night. The night where Jihoon hold him in his arms, the amount of security he felt wrapped around his arms and the concern but nevertheless pretty eyes that is Jihoon's.

And now that they meet again, Hyunsuk kind of sad that he need to give the coat back.

Jihoon does said to give it back to him when we meet again so I guess I should. Hyunsuk thought.

Unconsciously pouting, Hyunsuk proceed to tidily fold the coat. Thinking back, he should have atleast wash the coat making him feeling guilty for a while. He make a mental note to apologize later on to Jihoon.

Before he exits the staff lounge, Hyunsuk hugs the coat close, inhaling the scent that he come to love then only make his way out to meet Jihoon.

As Hyunsuk were on his way to where Jihoon is sitting for the last two hours, Asahi and Jaehyuk move to walk beside him- Asahi on his left while Jaehyuk on his right.

Feeling horrify as both start to link their arm on him and dragging him towards Jihoon with smirks across their face, Hyunsuk mentally prepare himself for the worst.

"Jihoon hyung, we brought you your boyfriend." Jaehyuk excitedly exclaim.

A shock gasp is heard.

"BO-BOYFRIEND?! WHAT? PARK JIHOON FRICKING EXPL-- mmhhnhhn" Junkyu who decides to being a loud mouth that he is were silence by Yoshi's hand.

At this point Hyunsuk really do hope that the floor will swallow him in as he is now beyond ashamed.

He is also almost confirmed that his earlier loud outburst saying that Jihoon is not his boyfriend is heard by the group.

Yoshi smile apologetically towards Jihoon and the other three.

As Jihoon and Hyunsuk look at each other, Hyunsuk really want to cry because of how embarrass he is.

Clearing his throat, Jihoon dismiss what Jaehyuk had said and just proceed to introduce his friends to the other three.

"If you're done being annoying Junkyu-ssi, allow me to introduce you to them." Jihoon roll his eyes towards Junkyu.

Looking to the three, Jihoon introduces the couple. "So the loud mouth is Kim Junkyu and that is his boyfriend Yoshinori. They're both from the university- Junkyu major in law while Yoshi major in art."

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