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"Once in a lifetime you meet someone who changes everything." - Unknown

"I-i can't afford ea-eating in such place." Hyunsuk looks down ashamed, totally missing the look Jihoon gives him.

As if they were not close enough, Jihoon pulls Hyunsuk closer to him. And as if it was a muscle memory, the younger brought his hands back to cupping the older's face, tilting it slightly upward so that Hyunsuk is not looking down but instead looking at him. When their eyes met, Jihoon smiles and unconsciously brings himself more closer to Hyunsuk, hands continue to caress the soft smooth cheeks.

Cute. Jihoon thought.

"You don't have to worry about that. I brought you here so I'll be paying okay." Jihoon uttered while maintaining eye contact- his heart, well, its beating like crazy for he is now overwhelm with profound affection towards the older as well as feeling overwhelm with hints of the older scents that fills his senses.

Hyunsuk gazes at Jihoon's orbs. Maintaining eye contact, he sees nothing but sincerity and understanding plus also with hints of love if he dare say but he is not sure.

When he heard what Jihoon said to him together with the gentle caress on his face, Hyunsuk feels like crying.

He wanted to cry because of how relief he is that Jihoon did not show any signs of hostility or disgust that he is poor, that he is not in the upper side of the social status.

He wanted to cry because of how good it feels with the gentle act that Jihoon has been doing.

He wanted to cry because he is overwhelm with sense of belonging and security that he feels while looking at the younger's mesmerizing brown orbs as well as being hold close, wrapped around the other's arms.

Without much thinking as he's cloudede with his overwhelming feelings, Hyunsuk lifts up his arms and wraps it around Jihoon. He hugs the younger tight and bury his face in the crook of the other neck.

At that moment, it feels like Hyunsuk is set free from all his worries and insecurity as his shoulders visibly relaxes, to which Jihoon smiles wider and hug the smaller just as tight, if not more.

Again they were having their moment.

Both could feel the rapid beating of the other heart matching the pace with their own.


To say that Hyunsuk feels out of place would be an understatement because he actually feels like being judge upon his entire life. He wants to run away, run far from the judging eyes that people giving him upon entering the restaurant. Out of nowhere he suddenly become the center of attention, it was as if his social status is plastered wide, big and bold on his forehead, that makes these obviously higher or rather rich people stares at him unwelcome.

Hyunsuk thinks it must be what he is wearing, not rich or maybe not on par with what they wears resulting to that make people staring at him blatantly but still it doesn't give them the rights to talk bad about him.

And because of this, Hyunsuk overall pose and aura suddenly become timid and terrified. Bad memories starts to resurface and he shivers from it.

Jihoon of course notice this. He frown looking at the people who had their eyes on them, on Hyunsuk jin particular.

Hints of anger starts to boil inside him as he sees a couple of clearly does not bother to shut their loud mouth from uttering unnecessary words.

Jihoon pretty sure that Hyunsuk heard what is said and he feels guilty that he causes all this. Maybe bringing Hyunsuk here is a mistake he thought.

Manners were one of the important aspect that is put into high importance by their kind of people. But looking at the happenings here, clearly they are the one who is mannerless. Sticking their nose into others life, judging them just because they look less rich than them and all of this Jihoon want to laugh in disgust.

Jihoon tighten his hold on the older's hand, bring him close to him while glaring at anyone who dares to make eye contact with them as they making their way to the secluded part of the restaurant.

Both are now sitted inside the restaurant. Menu was given by the waiter and Hyunsuk who feels out of place just surrender the ordering to Jihoon because he's not familiar with the menu. When the waiter has walk away, Hyunsuk shoots his insecurity to Jihoon.

"Jihoon, is it really okay if im here?" Jihoon heard Hyunsuk speaks to him and honestly Jihoon hearts hurts hearing the tone of the older's voice.

"Of course it is okay. Its a public place, you have the right to be here. Don't mind those other people please. They are just being rude." Jihoon further tells,

"Besides, I want you here. I want YOU here together with me." Jihoon emphasizes by holding the older's hand.

Hyunsuk try his hardest to suppress his smile but he fails to do so hearing what Jihoon said.

Damn this is really not good. Hyunsuk thought as he once again feels his ears getting hot and he is pretty sure that he is red-blushing right now.

And so Hyunsuk decides that he should really enjoy the time with Jihoon. The older decides to just tossed out all his insecurities and worries to the back of his mind; thought still there but is not entertain.

Hyunsuk is feeling happy thus he dismissed all his anxiety and judgement of others. Fears of the past thrown out of the window as Hyunsuk pays his full attention towards Jihoon, towards their conversation in getting to know each other as well as enjoying the food that the younger order for them.

It has been awhile since Hyunsuk have a great time talking to someone else beside Jaehyuk and Asahi. It has been awhile since he had a great laugh with Jihoon apparently silly self.


I have no excuse for my long M.I.A you guys.

Enjoy and thank you for reading 💙

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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