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"Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike, each have their own sufferring." - Buddha

"You both know each other?" The couple ask in wonder.

Jihoon smile at Hyunsuk's direction before averting his eyes to the couple.

"Kinda. We've once met before at the park near here." Jihoon simply explain, excluding the fact that Hyunsuk was crying when they last saw each other. To this, Hyunsuk feel relieve, because Jihoon did not told the couple about that. He definitely don't want to worry Jaehyuk and Asahi.

"Cool. We should hang out together next time then. It will be okay right Hyunsuk hyung?"

Before Hyunsuk could answer, Jihoon speak up first.

"Hyung?" Jihoon question.

"Oh. I thought you both know each other. Hyunsuk hyung is a year older than you Jihoon hyung." Jaehyuk answer.

"Is it? But from what I witnessed earlier, it doesn't seems like he's the older one tho." Jihoon teases Hyunsuk.

"Y-yah!" Hyunsuk exclaim while pouting and it makes all the other three to laugh.

Jaehyuk then excuse himself to put away his things in the staff room and Asahi also make excuses saying that he need to check the inventory in the storage.

Hyunsuk roll his eyes.

"As if I believe that Asahi. Just tell me you want to sucks face with Jaehyuk." Feeling hot all of sudden, Asahi blush and quickly deny Hyunsuk's claim and start to walk away.

"Keep it PG!" Asahi just dead ignore him.


Now left alone with Jihoon, Hyunsuk suddenly feeling shy and awkward. Jihoon find a shy Hyunsuk really cute.

"Im here to order." Jihoon says.

Hyunsuk nod and walk the remaining distance to the register machine. "Wh-what would you like to order?"

"Recommend me your favorite hyung." Jihoon state.

"A-are you sure?"

"Why are stuttering?" Jihoon chuckle. "And yes im sure, I'll order whatever you recommend."

Feeling embarass cause Jihoon points out his stuttering, damn Hyunsuk-ah get a grip, he ask

"Does ice latte okay for you?"

"Ice latte sounds good. I'll order two of that plus one americano as well as one mango smoothie please."

Hyunsuk tilted his head in confusion. Jihoon smile wide at the sight.

"The other ice latte is for you." To this Hyunsuk blush and want to refuse but before he could say anything, Jihoon continue to speak.

"I won't take no for an answer. And for the other drinks is for my friends." Jihoon points to two people sitting side by side at the end corner of the cafe; one were leaning his head toward the other's shoulder.

Must be a couple Hyunsuk thought.

Without much choice, Hyunsuk punch in Jihoon's order, take his payment and ask him to go sit as he will serve the drinks once it is ready.

Before going to where his friends were sitting, Jihoon ask the older.

"What time do you finish your shift?"

"My shift ends at 5pm, two hours from now. Why?" Hyunsuk ask back.

"I want to take you out. But only if you have nothing plan. Im serious about wanting to get to know you." Jihoon gently reply.

The Way We Find Love // HOONSUKWhere stories live. Discover now