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"Only those who care about you, can hear you when you're quiet." - Unknown

The only sound that can be heard is the quiet sobs from Hyunsuk. Face still buried in the stranger's chest, hands still wrapped around the man, Hyunsuk slowly calm down and it is because of the assurance given by the stranger, holding him close and just comforting him without knowing the reason of his breakdown.

When the man feels that Hyunsuk is calm enough, he then gently detach himself and squat down, leveling his eyes to Hyunsuk's. As Hyunsuk averted his eyes towards the stranger, he first noticed the stranger's eyes. It was a mix of curiosity, admiration, hints of adoration and most of all fill with concern. And that is enough to eliminate the feeling of wary and scare toward the stranger.

Hyunsuk then feel the stranger cupping his face, and ever so gently wipe off his tear-stricken cheeks. Warmth and oddly feeling safe fill Hyunsuk whole being. Hyunsuk respond towards the gesture by leaning in more towards the touch all the while still maintaining eye contact with the stranger and good God, Hyunsuk is feeling giddy and without him knowing it was also the same feeling felt by the stranger. With some odd reason, Hyunsuk is feeling tremendous sense of security just by looking at the man.

He sees the stranger tilted his head and give him the prettiest smile while still cupping his face. And as if enchanted by it, Hyunsuk eyes started to crinkled and a wide genuine smile spread across his face. Sad thoughts are completely out of the window, instead now Hyunsuk is just feeling pure genuine happiness and comfort. No words is spoken, but both their action and most importantly their eyes speaks volume.

When the stranger suddenly stood up on his feet, he sees him started to wear off his coat, proceed to drap the coat around Hyunsuk then asked him to stay put and wait for him to be back. Hyunsuk nodded and sees the man started to jog off heading somewhere he doesn't have an idea of. Hyunsuk unconsciously blush out of embarrasment after seeing the man left as it finally register to his mind that he was crying in public, seen by a stranger and comforted by stranger. He blush even further for the coat drapped on him provide warmth that is filled with the scent from the stranger.

Ater some minutes, Hyunsuk saw the same man jog towards where he was sitting. When the man arrives, his somehow ragged breathing is visible through the cold night. The stranger then without a word give Hyunsuk a hot can of coffee not before helping him to open it up.

"I ran as fast as I could. Hope it still warm enough." The man said. Hyunsuk nodded and once again present his genuine smile towards the stranger before sipping the coffee.

The stranger then sit next to him and it was just that, silence - a comfortable silence. Oddly enough both of them feel that the other person's presence comforting.

A gush of wind blew and Hyunsuk remember that he still wearing the stranger's coat and seeing that the stranger had only his thin shirt on, he give back the coat to him.

"Uh-umm you'll probably feel cold. Here take it back. Tha-thank you for lending it to me." Hyunsuk embarassingly stuttered as he handed the coat back. The stranger chuckled lightly seeing such behavior, muttering a faint cute, enough just for him to hear.

"Im fine though, you can wear it a bit longer. Im still feeling hot from the running." Hearing that Hyunsuk reluctantly wrap the jacket around him, his sense once again filled with the calming comforting scent- a mixture of minty and vanilla.

As they were sitting, Hyunsuk can't help but to question "Why are you being nice?" The stranger shift his gaze towards Hyunsuk.

"Why can't I be nice?" Hyunsuk heard the man replied.

"N-no, of course you can. But why are being nice to me? You can't just be going around hugging other people, it might be trick for a possible crime. I don't even know you so that is why im won-wondering." Hearing the reason, the stranger can't help but to laugh, kinda offending Hyunsuk resulting to him pouting for he is being serious.

"Firstly, I would never be going around hugging people. Secondly, you are the one who should be careful. Crying in alone in the public and worse in the dark can easily make you vulnerable. People can take advantage of that."  The stranger replied while giving him the eye of warning.

"So are you taking advantage of me then?"

"Do i look like im taking advantage of you?" Hyunsuk were question back.

"No. I-i don't think so?" Hyunsuk ask rather than state.

Hearing that, the stranger laugh again. "Im not. Don't worry your cute self." He then added "Like I said earlier, im here for you. I want to let you know that you're not alone."

Warmth feel across Hyunsuk. Butterflies dancing through his stomach, heart picks up its pace as well as blush colors his face.

"But you don't know me and I don't know you. So why?" Despite his raging emotions of giddiness and embarassment, Hyunsuk still won't drop the topic.

"I don't have to know you for me to being kind. In fact, we all shouldn't being ignorant towards people who is in need. People should just be kind period." The stranger smile looking at Hyunsuk.

"And if it bothers you so much that we don't know each other then why don't we start get to know one another."

Hyunsuk further blush causing the stranger to coo at him. He find a blushing Hyunsuk cute af.

Seeing that Hyunsuk still wrapped around in his embarassment bubble, the stranger take the initiative first.

He streches out his hand and say "Hi. My name is Jihoon. Park Jihoon." Hyunsuk sees the same pretty smile upon the stranger whose now with a name that he can address, putting up his sincere smile and take the hand and say albeit stuttering "Hy-hyunsuk. Ch-choi Hyunsuk."

"Nice to meet you Choi Hyunsuk-ssi."


I feel like this whole chapter doesn't make any sense at all *sigh* Excuse my poor incompetant self.

Also, I've received notifications that some of yall added this book to your reading list *lemme just throw confetti in the air and cry* 😭

Thankyou everyone for reading this despite the lacking, voting and adding this book to your reading list. You guys are the best! I wish all the good things to yall 💙💎✨

Be happy everyone! :)

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