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"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." - Mother Teresa

The talk he had with his mother with the blind dates topic ends up with a mutual agreement which is to finally put a stop on it for the sake of the young man's emotional state. You see, the blind dates that his mother set him up with actually was not just of random people. Of course with their social background being wealthy and all, his mother would set him up with different sons and daughters that have an equal wealth as them or atleast part of the higher social status. But even with setting him up with people from such background prove to be a wrong move as those people also gives the same feeling that they are only after for more money and fame; to further establish their so called social status. Well that is one, then if not they would emit the jealousy and envy feeling therefore he would know that associating with such people has high potential of ruining their family in all aspect.

Minus the habit of always wanting to intervene in his life, the young man would say that he got the best parents in the world. What the young man really admire about both his parents is that they doesn't look down or discriminate people based on their social status; completely contradict the bad image that the movies and dramas has  imprinted towards the society in regards of people from the rich. In fact, they are one of the most generous people whose always reach out to help people in needs especially the orphans. And so with such good influence from both his parents, he grew up with an attitude and a mindset that is against any discrimination. He put an equal respect towards other people regardless of their social background, of course only when these people is genuine, but if not, then respecting them will still what he'll be doing but to further create any sort of relationship will be out of the window.

Also every chance he get, he would always visit the children in the orphanage to spend time with them. The orphanage that he always goes to had become his second home, its the place that both his parents always bring him with back then when he still a child. Being the only child, he would definitely get lonely all the time and so every time his parents is going to visit the orphanage he would gladly tag along.


Needless to say, going to the park had been added into his daily routine. Not just any park, but a specific park which he last saw the peculiar boy eating ice cream in the cold weather. He is curious. Yes. He is intrigued. Yes. Why? Well that he doesn't have a clue. But he is indeed want to somehow see the boy again. It maybe because the boy seems so in trouble, seems so sad and alone that he wanted to somehow comfort him cause remembering him during that cold night, he know the boy needed that.

And this is how he find himself strolling around the park, the third evening of him walking around hoping to be able to see they boy.

'Third time is the charm'.

Now he would whole-heartedly believe such statement as he finally sees the person that he's been waiting for, sitting on the same bench the last time he saw him. The time was a little late in the evening so he actually was about to head home which automatically cancel when he sees the boy.

His delight from seeing the same man was cut short as he now frowning at the sight. The young man was shivering all over; he believe the cause of him shivering is cause by both the weather as well as the obvious state that the boy is in-  crying.

Without thinking much, he march his way towards the young man and proceed to engulf him into his arm.

"Cry if you must. Its okay. Im here." Is what he said to the crying boy.

After he said that, he felt an unexplainable pain inside him hearing the cries become more louder and full of pain, full of sorrow. He feel the boy arms circle around his torso and further buried his face to his chest while crying his heart out.

He doesn't have a clue on the real reason why the boy is crying but all he know, NO, he understands that this person needed someone. From the way the boy was tightly holding him it shows that he needed someone to hold him close, to assure him that everything is gonna be alright and judging from the state that he had seen the boy days before- emitting a melancholy vibe, he is more than sure the boy needed someone that he can depend on more than ever.

As if a silent promise is made, as he continue to hold the crying boy; he swore to always be there for this person. They might know each other but that shouldn't stop him from just being there for this man as he perfectly understand what its like to need someone to talk to, to depend on. He is after all the only child and he know that feeling just perfect.


Maybe this is a little short? Or not? Sorry I really run out of things to write so imma just leave it like that.

Please look forward to the next updates! Till then :))

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