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"I can't hold my tears now, I know Im broken emotionally and now I can't even hide it." - Unknown

Hyunsuk was again sitting in the cold winter park bench. His body was shivering - the result from him crying as well as from the weather. Today, Hyunsuk was having what people say as a bad day. For the past days, Hyunsuk has been busy with taking extra shift at the cafe, knowing full well that he has bills to pay. Both Asahi and Jaehyuk were quite concern about it, but they do not questioned Hyunsuk for they know their hyung's situation. They wanted to help, but every now and then whenever they try to offer, they would only get rejected. Hyunsuk explained that he greatly appreciate their concern but he doesn't want to burden them with his problem. Hyunsuk had assured them both that he can take care of himself, that he can manage, and if ever he is in need of help he will surely reach out to them.

Sitting alone through the chilly weather, Hyunsuk can't help but to think the happenings of these past few days. He is very much occupied with his studies and to make it worse, his landlord had pressure him to quickly pay his rent thus explain all the reason why he has been taking extra shift at the cafe. As a results of this, Hyunsuk is tired, no, accurately he is beyond exhausted.

But what happen next cause Hyunsuk to feel not just exhausted but horror, fear, dejected and all other negative feelings. Remembering the harsh words made his tears flow for he is consumed with his dark thoughts that he desperately tired of.

Feeling exhausted from all the extra shift he has taken, juggling with his studies demand and it doesn't help that Hyunsuk has not eaten a proper meal since yesterday, only able to sneak in a bite of a bread before starting his shift so he really is in no condition to work.

Hyunsuk was on his way with a tray fill with the customer's orders but as he was reaching to the table where the customers were sitting, he somehow tripped on his own feet resulting to the drinks to splash all over on one of the customer. Shocked gasped echoed within the vicinity and with horror and fear evident, Hyunsuk repeatedly bowed down and muttered his apologies.

The customer whose clothes got wet, shouted at Hyunsuk for his mistakes. Hyunsuk completely fine with that as he know that it was his mistake for not being careful enough so he sincerely apologize but all was disregard.

But what broke him is the words uttered by the group of customers.

"Do you know how expensive this shirt is? I bet your whole existence aren't worthy enough to afford this."

Another one from the group said "Frickin low life. Why is it people of your kind always cause trouble."

Someone from the group quick to agree saying "Yeah. People like you should know your place."

And all Hyunsuk could do was bowed his head down and be consumed with those words. Replaying in his mind, taunting and tormenting him.

Alot degrading was said to Hyunsuk until the cafe owner had step in to rectify the situation. Hyunsuk has tears pool in his eyes but he refuses to cry as he still need to serve these customers and continue on with his shift.

After cleaning the mess and serving the customers with their orders, Hyunsuk was then brought to the office by the cafe owner. The cafe owner whose none other than Asahi's grandfather made Hyunsuk to sit down as he sees that the boy still caught up with what had happen.

"Hyunsuk. Are you okay my child?" The grandfather softly asked. Hyunsuk nodded masking the pain he felt with a smile, opting to not worry the elder.

"I am okay and I am sorry for causing trouble." The elder smiled fondly at Hyunsuk. Ever since the day, Hyunsuk had come to the cafe and applied for a job, the elder had taken a liking towards him right away. The boy was literally a ray of sunshine with his smiles and clumsy self. But aside from that, the elder know behind all those lies a boy whom filled with insecurities and loneliness. That is why, the elder always look out on Hyunsuk, whenever he sees that the boy is struggling, he offer his help and most of the time Hyunsuk was not able to refuse as the elder is quite stubborn.

"Its okay Hyunsuk-ah. We all make mistakes hmm. So you shouldn't dwell too much on what had happen and what is said okay. Those good-for-nothing are spoiled brat who does not know how to behave so don't mind their words okay." Hyunsuk smiled as the elder open his arm inviting him for a hug, Hyunsuk lean in and bask in full of gratefulness for the elder understanding as well as word of comfort.

"Hyunsuk, remember that when people are being rude to you, they automatically reveal who they are, not who you are. So never take it personally okay." Mind temporarily free from negativity, he smiled genuinely towards the elder nodding in understanding.

But, Hyunsuk being Hyunsuk can't help but to remember every single words uttered to him by the rude customers. Feeling drained and overall tired with his situation, he broke down in tears while sitting in the park.

As he was bowing his head down and crying, he suddenly sees a pair of shoes and later feel an arm around him, as his face now buried in someone's chest. He felt a hand caressing his head and then he heard the person said,

"Cry if you must, its okay. Im here for you."

And as if Hyunsuk has not cried enough, he sobs loudly, tears continuously falling from his eyes as he wrapped his hands tight around the stranger's torso and cried his heart out soaking the stranger's cloth.


This chapter is pretty much the same as previous just that this is in Hyunsuk's POV.

Its a slow build and I feel like there should be some kind of background/development.

I am sorry if it gets boring :'(

Anyway, happiest birthday to our one only Kim Junkyu 🐨🎉🎈 Everyone please take time to greet Junkyu cause he deserve to be the happiest person today.

Since its a special day, DOUBLE UPDATE so scroll up and enjoy! 🤗

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