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"Action may not bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action." - William James

Despite saying wanting to get to know each other, that night, both Hyunsuk and Jihoon only able to learned each other's name. Before any of them can properly or further introduce themselves, Jihoon had received a phone call from his mother to which she requested him to be home immediately. Having no other choice but to obey, Jihoon reluctantly told Hyunsuk that he needed to go.

Smiling in understanding, Hyunsuk nodded in respond. Before Jihoon started to walk away, Hyunsuk give him back his coat, but Jihoon just shook his head and told Hyunsuk to just keep it. Slightly in panic, Hyunsuk adamantly refuse but Jihoon being the stubborn person that he is wouldn't listen to Hyunsuk.

"Just keep the coat for now okay. This way atleast I, um I mean w-we uhh have a reason to meet again!" Feeling flustered, Jihoon slightly exclaimed out loud to cover up his embarassment.

Did I just stuttered? Heck Park Jihoon get a grip.

Meanwhile Hyunsuk were feeling amused and somehow delighted that Jihoon want them to meet again. Unable to counter back to that, as Hyunsuk also feeling bashful as he oddly feels excited for their next meeting, he just proceed to express his grattitude for everything Jihoon had done to him that night.

As both went separate way, one is feeling lighthearted for the unexpected company he had- comforting him out of his bad day successfully made his day great again.

As for the other, a mix of happiness and concern is felt to which confuses him. Nevertheless, happiness still overweight the feeling of concern as he not just able to see the person he's oddly wanted to see, but also able to get his name and talk albeit short.

Both of them acknowledge their delight of meeting each other that night.

But what they failed to realized is how fast their heart was beating when they hold each other close as well as the sense of longing after they part way.

Stars are twinkling here and there in the night sky as if it was a celebration, for once again fate has done its job for the mankind, this time for Jihoon and Hyunsuk.


For the next few days, Hyunsuk is in a good mood.

He got his pay for the week and able to pay up his rent and settle up his other commitment, mainly for his university project purpose.

Also the unexpected meeting with Jihoon ease up his whole being as the memory of that night never fail to make him smile.

And because Hyunsuk is such in a good mood, he unleashes his true annoying and clumsy self, and Asahi were not having it although deep down he is glad that his hyung are happy.

Tuning his voice similar to a baby when talking, Hyunsuk continuously bother Asahi.

"Sahi-ya." Hyunsuk speaks with arms close to his body, hands in fist and eyes wide staring at Asahi.

Not affected Asahi reply flatly "What?"

"Mmmmm." Shaking his head and bouncing his feet, Hyunsuk pouted. "You know what I want."

Asahi sigh for he feels signs of headache literally coming with this stubborn baby behavior by his supposed Hyung.

Rolling his eyes and determine more than ever, Asahi reply in his best baby voice, mimicking the older.

"No. Hyunsukkie hyungie cannot have ice cweam today."

The older pouted more.

"Why not? Hyunsukkie wants ice cweam. Pwease..."




"Mmmmm yeshhh..."

And that's how it escalated to an aegyo battle between the two inside the cafe. Customers were a few and most are sitting near the window instead of near the counter so customers aren't aware of such cute cringy scene.

Everything were tune off, not caring about their surrounding as the two continuously engage in this cute banter.

Well, not until they hear a clearing of throat.

Both look to the direction of the voice which is at the front counter and sees Jaehyuk leaning on the counter while his hand prop on the counter top cupping his face. An amused smile present as well as his eyebrow went up and down.

There were also someone beside Jaehyuk whom Asahi weren't able to recognize while Hyunsuk was in shock and quickly embarassment fill his whole being.

"How long have you been standing there?" Asahi ask Jaehyuk.

"Long enough for me to cringe seeing both of your behavior." Jaehyuk said making Asahi to huff and pout clearly still in the mood of being a baby.

Seeing that, Jaehyuk couldn't help but laugh and proceed to circle around the counter to get to his boyfriend, giving him a quick peck on Asahi's lips and hug him saying "You're too cute to handle baby. Stop pouting."

"This is all hyung's fault." Asahi points his finger towards Hyunsuk while still hug by Jaehyuk.

Hyunsuk temporarily out of his embarassment scoff at Asahi. "Whatever. Im still going to get ice cream later whether you agree or not."

"All that just because of ice-cream?" Jaehyuk were now full on laughing at this ridiculous situation.

"Ugh whatever hyung. Just make sure you eat proper food also. Stop making me worry cause I swear to God, you look like you're not eating these days."

Jaehyuk and Hyunsuk chuckle hearing this.

And remembering the stranger, Asahi ask away his curiousity.

"By the way, who are you?" As he looking back and forth at the stranger and his boyfriend for answer.

"Oh right! Jihoon hyung sorry I forgot to introduce you. This is Park Jihoon. He's from my class and we hang out sometime."

"Hello, you must be Asahi. Its nice to finally meet the person Jaehyuk never stop babbling about." Jihoon joke that cause Asahi to laugh and Jaehyuk to whine in embarassment for being expose like that.

Jihoon turn his attention to the other person and also greet him.

"And it is also my pleasure to see you again Hyunsuk-ssi." This time a wide smile present on Jihoon's face as he sees Hyunsuk blush and not meeting his eyes; eyes busy looking everywhere but at Jihoon while saying a simple, "Hi."

"You both know each other?" The couple ask in wonder.


Sorry for this late update. College has started and the amount of workload given took most of my time.

Thankyou for reading 💙 Till the next update teu-bye 💎✨

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