last night you said you ended up in palm springs dancing on tables

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"Hey Fuentes! So I heard you and Dulce are a thing now." Kenny laughed. "Well I guess but I don't talk to him as often so I wouldn't exactly say that." I said poking at my turtles face. "Nice turtle... I heard you got it from your second boyfriend Berto..." Kenny teased. We had been on Skype for hours and everyone left to go get tacos and other stuff at the nearby food trucks. The guys started to fill in the truck and Vic was calling me. "Hey Kenny I have to go see ya!" I said as she made fart noises. "Boo! You can't hang Fuentes!" Kenny laughed. "Whatever see ya!" I said closing the laptop, jumping out my bunk and going to the front. "Amber! Got you a burrito and tacos!" Vic shouted. "Thanks Vic!" I said taking the food and running back to my bunk. "Can't she get fat from eating all that food?" Danielle asked. "No she's like me! I eat all the time and don't get fat!" Vic said pulling up his shirt revealing his little beer belly. "You're just a little squishy around the edges Vic but it's cool!" I shouted and began to eat my food as I found a text message from Darin.

Darin- HEY! (:

Me- Hi

Darin- How's tour life treating you?

Me- GREAT! I'm eating a burrito!!! And TACOS!!!!

Darin- Oh well I'll let you eat then talk to you later

Me- Nah it's fine but could I ask you somethin?

Darin- Go for it

Me- Isn't it a little weird that we're dating? I'm so used to us being friends and stuff

Darin- I feel that same way actually want to go back to being friends?


Darin- ('・_・')

Me- Hahaha sorry

Darin- Its alright I have to help my mom now I'll see you around Fuentes! (:

With that I put my phone down and smiled happily as I ate my tacos. "Amber!!!" Vic shouted like he was pissed. "What?" I asked poking my head out of my bunk. "Do you want ice cream?" He asked and I sighed. "Nah maybe later I'm still eating." I said and he nodded and Jaime came over and began trying to squeeze himself into my bunk. "What the fuck Jaime?! You don't fit in here!!!" I said as he forced himself to fit. "Are you calling me fat?!" He shouted at me. "Hahaha no I'm just saying you don't fit in here!" I laughed. "Why are you even trying to get in here?" I asked as he gave me a playful smile. "I just want to talk about girl things! Like what's the gossip?" He asked jokingly. "Listen Jaime I don't have a lot of friends and I don't care about gossip." I said as Jaime sighed like a frustrated teen girl. "Ugh! Fine!" He said as he jumped out and skipped away. "Amber out come here!" Vic called. "Yeah Vic I'll be right out!" I said jumping out of my bunk and waking over to Vic and everyone seeing them all wear a party hats. "Who's birthday?" I asked as Vic smiled like a idiot. "Guess! It's someone with beautiful hair and is handsome." Vic said as I thought for a second. "Mike?" I asked as he and I started laughing. "What?! No! It's me!" Vic said pointing at himself. "Oh happy birthday Vic lucky for you I got you something!" I said pointing at him. "In fact it's in my bunk I'll be right back!" I said running and going inside his bunk and randomly found a red vans shoe and threw it in a paper bag. "Happy birthday! I'm sure you've never gotten this before!" I said as I tossed him the bag. He smile at me and nodded. "Best daughter ever!!! You shouldn't have!" Vic said as he opened the bag and his face went from smiling to confusion. "Why is my shoe in here?" He asked pointing at the bag. "Don't you mean why is your new shoe in there?" I said giving a sly smile. "Well it's better than no present!" Vic said walking over to me and hugged me. "Awe! Group hug!" Shouted Jaime. "No! Right now all of you are dead to me until I eat cake except for my two favourite ladies my beautiful girlfriend and my amazingly awesome and beautiful daughter." Vic laughed. "Fine... Tony go bring the cake!" Mike shouted. "I'm right here..." Tony said making his way to the fridge. "Thanks!" Jaime said with a smile. "Stop yelling at me!!!" Tony screamed and broke into laughter. "Well are we going to sing happy birthday or what?" Danielle asked as Vic nodded. "I think we should now... Everyone sing to me!" He shouted. We all sighed and sang happy birthday. "Since I'm the birthday boy I get cake first!" Vic said cutting himself a slice of cake. We ate cake and watched movies and we even broke a piñata in the bus and we made Jaime clean up the mess which was hilarious.

Vic Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now